Jigsaw | Ransomware Deconstructed | Summary and Q&A

June 4, 2017
The PC Security Channel
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Jigsaw | Ransomware Deconstructed


Jigsaw Ransomware, a threat from 2016, is still being marketed as Ransomware-as-a-Service. This video demonstrates how to decompile and break the ransomware, providing solutions to decrypt the files.

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Key Insights

  • 🐕‍🦺 Jigsaw Ransomware is a persistent threat that has evolved into a Ransomware-as-a-Service model.
  • 🔨 Decompiling Jigsaw Ransomware is relatively easy due to its .NET framework. It can be decompiled using tools like Peak.
  • 📁 Analyzing the decompiled code reveals information about the encryption algorithm, file extension, maximum file size, and encryption password.
  • ❓ Decryptors for Jigsaw Ransomware are available, and paying the ransom is not recommended.


hello and welcome to the PC security Channel jigsaw was largely a threat of 2016 but it seems new variants are popping up even now and it's also being marketed as a ransomware as a service that is R so taking all this information into account I decided it is time to show you guys the basic deconstruction of my good old jigsaw sample the one that's ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Jigsaw Ransomware work?

Jigsaw Ransomware tricks users into executing it, encrypts files, and threatens to delete them if the ransom is not paid. It appends the "fun" extension to encrypted files, making them inaccessible.

Q: How can Jigsaw Ransomware be decompiled?

Jigsaw Ransomware, being based on .NET, can be decompiled using standard .NET decompilers like Peak. Once decompiled, the code can be analyzed to find vulnerabilities and decryption solutions.

Q: What can be found in the decompiled code of Jigsaw Ransomware?

In the decompiled code, one can find the main function, background form, form for encrypted files, and basic configuration. Information such as the encryption algorithm, file extension, maximum file size, and encryption password can be obtained.

Q: Is it recommended to pay the ransom for Jigsaw Ransomware?

No, it is not recommended to pay the ransom. Instead, look for decryption solutions, as many exist for Jigsaw Ransomware. Paying the ransom only encourages cybercriminals to continue their illegal activities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jigsaw Ransomware is a threat that imitates the Firefox browser and encrypts files.

  • The ransomware displays a scary splash screen and threatens to delete files if the ransom is not paid.

  • Although the ransomware appears intimidating, it is actually easy to decompile and find decryption solutions.

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