Japan’s 400 Kilometre Tsunami Shield | Summary and Q&A

October 13, 2021
The B1M
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Japan’s 400 Kilometre Tsunami Shield


Japan's efforts to protect its coastline from tsunamis with sea walls have raised questions about their effectiveness and the potential negative consequences they entail.

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Key Insights

  • 🤢 Japan has a long history of coastal engineering and has been regarded as a world leader in developing sea walls to mitigate the impact of tsunamis.
  • 🤢 The 2011 disaster exposed the limitations of existing sea walls and highlighted the need for stronger defenses against larger tsunamis.
  • 🤢 The construction of taller and reinforced sea walls is met with concerns about their effectiveness, ecological impact, and negative consequences for local communities.
  • 🤢 Alternative approaches, such as tsunami mitigation parks and relocating public facilities to higher ground, are being considered to supplement sea wall defenses.
  • 🤢 Balancing the need to protect against natural hazards with living alongside nature is a complex challenge, particularly in the face of increasing extreme weather events and sea level rise.
  • 👶 The future of tsunami defenses requires reevaluating existing infrastructure and designing new structures to withstand the expected increase in storm severity and frequency.


this is one of the most important pieces of concrete in japan and it's born out of one of history's most chilling events this is what it looks like when a wave of unfathomable size crashes on thousands of lives and it looks like the tsunami has engulfed several cities we are now going into uncharted territory we are thinking the unthinkable this co... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the 2011 earthquake and tsunami impact Japan?

The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused widespread destruction, resulting in approximately 20,000 deaths and triggering a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant.

Q: Did the sea walls built after the disaster effectively protect against future tsunamis?

While the sea walls reduced the force of the tsunami waves, they were unable to completely prevent the massive waves from crashing over the top and causing damage to structures, including the Fukushima nuclear plant.

Q: How have the new sea walls been upgraded compared to the previous ones?

The new sea walls are taller, reaching up to 14.7 meters, and have reinforced inner walls and wider bases to better absorb the impact of waves. They also incorporate recommendations such as wider breakwater rubble mounds and interlinking concrete blocks.

Q: What are the concerns regarding the high sea walls?

Some researchers worry that these tall sea walls could create a dam-like blockade, intensifying the impact of tsunamis if they break. Additionally, locals consider these walls eyesores and fear that they can harm tourism and damage their community's livelihood and culture.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan resulted in significant destruction and loss of life, leading the government to invest billions of dollars in building new tsunami defense systems.

  • The current sea walls along the coast, standing nearly 400 kilometers long, were designed to weaken strong waves and provide time for evacuation during future disasters.

  • However, concerns have been raised about the high cost of these structures, their limited effectiveness against larger tsunamis, and the negative impact they have on the environment and local communities.

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