Ivy Male Orator Samuel Clark | Harvard Commencement 2015 | Summary and Q&A

May 28, 2015
Harvard University
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Ivy Male Orator Samuel Clark | Harvard Commencement 2015


Sam Clarke gives a humorous speech to the graduating class of 2015, reflecting on their Harvard experiences and the importance of the Harvard Student Handbook.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ›οΈ Sam Clarke highlights the diverse experiences and backgrounds among the graduating class of 2015.
  • πŸ›Ÿ He humorously emphasizes the significance of the Harvard Student Handbook in governing campus life.
  • πŸ›οΈ Clarke encourages the class to reflect on their time at Harvard and internalize the knowledge gained.


good afternoon class of 2015 friends and family my name is British Slater and I'm the senior class committee representative for Kirkland house today I am deeply proud and honored to introduce my friend and Kirkland brother Sam Clarke as your 2015 mail IV order graduating Phi Beta Kappa Sam is a talented man who wears many hats or maybe I should say... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of Sam Clarke's achievements and involvements at Harvard?

Sam Clarke co-founded the Crimson Kicks youth martial arts program, was involved in Harvard's Hasty Pudding theatricals, and acted in shows with the Harvard Radcliffe dramatic Club and improv troupe on thin ice. He also worked as a Yale tour guide and filmed a successful prank on the show "On Harvard Time."

Q: How does Sam Clarke perceive the importance of the Harvard Student Handbook?

Clarke humorously suggests that without the Harvard Student Handbook, the campus would be a lawless wasteland. He jokes about how it governs everything from registration and conduct to the ad board's decisions. He also highlights the evolving meaning of honesty as students progress through different years.

Q: What is the significance of burning or eating the Harvard Student Handbook?

Sam Clarke mentions jokingly that he would burn the Harvard Student Handbook to symbolize its end as a guiding authority after graduation. However, he states that he will instead "eat" the handbook as a metaphorical way of internalizing the knowledge and experiences gained during his time at Harvard.

Q: What message does Sam Clarke want to convey to the graduating class?

Sam Clarke encourages the graduating class to reflect on their Harvard experiences and not be bound by the rules and protections provided by the Harvard Student Handbook. He urges them to carry the lessons learned and make the most of their future endeavors.


Sam Clarke, the 2015 male Ivy Orator at Harvard, delivers a humorous and reflective speech to his graduating class. He talks about the different experiences and backgrounds of the students at Harvard, as well as the importance of the Harvard Student Handbook in guiding and shaping their time at the university. He also discusses the evolving meaning of honesty and how it has impacted their interactions and decisions throughout their four years at Harvard.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who is Sam Clarke, and what roles has he played at Harvard?

Sam Clarke is the 2015 male Ivy Orator and a senior at Harvard. Throughout his time at Harvard, he has been involved in various activities such as co-founding the Crimson Kicks youth martial arts program, being part of the Hasty Pudding theatricals, acting in shows with the Harvard Radcliffe dramatic Club, and performing in burlesque cross-dressing musicals. He has also acted in a prank sketch for a comedy show and will continue pursuing comedy in LA.

Q: What does Sam Clarke mention about Harvard experiences and backgrounds?

Sam Clarke acknowledges that everyone has had different experiences at Harvard. Some have had opportunities to interact with world leaders and celebrities, create new iPhone apps, or spend time in the basement of Lemont huffing 5-hour energy drinks. The backgrounds of the students are also diverse, coming from different parts of the world like England, Kyrgyzstan, and New York. Despite these differences, one thing has brought them all together.

Q: What is the one thing that has brought the students together at Harvard?

The one thing that has brought the students together at Harvard is the Harvard Student Handbook. This 185-page tome of rules and regulations has governed the institution and provided a sense of order and structure. Without it, Harvard would be a lawless wasteland, and the responsibilities carried out by the Dean of the college, the president, and other officials would be chaotic.

Q: What is Sam Clarke's take on the students' familiarity with the Harvard Student Handbook?

Sam Clarke jokingly mentions that not many students have actually read the Harvard Student Handbook, apart from Mark Zuckerberg and those who ran the satanic black mass event. He offers to provide a "spark notes" version of the provisions for those who missed out, highlighting the importance of the handbook in their lives.

Q: How has the meaning of honesty evolved for the students over their four years at Harvard?

Freshman year, honesty meant sharing personal details and information with fellow freshmen in Annenberg. This included AP exam scores, political affiliations, and deep-seated insecurities. However, as the students transitioned to sophomore and junior year, honesty took on a different meaning. It meant being honest with themselves and finding their place on campus, whether in an acapella group, magazine writing crew, or other organizations. By senior year, honesty extended to answering the question of what they would be doing after graduation, which required some creativity and interpretation.

Q: How does Sam Clarke humorously depict the lack of protection in the real world?

Sam Clarke jests that without the Harvard Student Handbook, they would no longer be protected by the rule of Harvard Law in the real world. He brings up scenarios like trying to pee on statues or run naked through the streets with fruit, indicating that the freedom they have enjoyed at Harvard may no longer be available without the protection of the handbook.


Sam Clarke's speech at the 2015 Harvard graduation ceremony celebrates the diverse experiences and backgrounds of the students in his graduating class. He humorously highlights the role of the Harvard Student Handbook in guiding their time at the university and shaping their interactions and decisions. The evolving meaning of honesty throughout their four years is also discussed. Overall, the speech serves as a reflection on their time at Harvard and the transition to the real world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Sam Clarke introduces himself and highlights his various achievements and involvement at Harvard.

  • He emphasizes the diversity of Harvard experiences and backgrounds among the graduating class.

  • Clarke humorously discusses the significance of the Harvard Student Handbook in governing campus life.

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