Introducing: FISH GAME - Smarter Every Day 291 | Summary and Q&A

October 29, 2023
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Introducing: FISH GAME - Smarter Every Day 291


Learn about the psychology behind creating a well-crafted video game and explore the development of Fish Game, an aquarium simulation game designed to be nurturing and engaging.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 The psychology of gameplay is crucial in creating a good video game, and understanding player motivations and emotions is essential.
  • 🎮 Video games offer an opportunity for imagination, learning, and exploration of new perspectives.
  • 👾 Emotional attachment to digital representations can be achieved through player involvement and responsibility for in-game characters or objects.
  • 🎮 Well-crafted video games can provide a sense of accomplishment, promote reflection, and have a positive impact on players' emotions and well-being.
  • 🎮 Scientific accuracy can enhance the immersive experience of a video game and contribute to its overall quality.
  • 🥺 Learning from failures and challenges in games can lead to growth, improvement, and the development of problem-solving skills.
  • 👾 Games that encourage empathy and reflection on real-world issues can have a meaningful impact on players' thoughts and perspectives.


Hey, it's me, Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day. We made a video game. I was supposed to make a video here about like, Hey, this is the game, and you can buy it, and you can play it, and it's awesome. That was the original idea for this. But that changed, and this is why it changed. I learned over the last few years through the process of w... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the primary focus of creating a good video game according to the video?

The video highlights that creating a good video game is more about understanding the psychology of gameplay and how to engage players, rather than solely focusing on technology and software.

Q: How did the team behind Fish Game ensure scientific accuracy in the game?

The team conducted extensive research on fish behavior, needs, and interactions, and used this knowledge to develop a database of parameters that accurately simulate the ecosystem of a fish tank in the game.

Q: How did the developers of Fish Game create emotional attachment to digital representations of fish?

By allowing players to name their fish and be responsible for their well-being, the game creates emotional attachment and a sense of nurturing, similar to real-life fishkeeping experiences.

Q: What are some insights from video game developers mentioned in the video?


  1. Video games provide an outlet for play, imagination, and a way to explore new perspectives.

  2. Losing in games can be valuable for learning and improvement.

  3. Good games create a sense of accomplishment and can have a positive impact on players' emotions and well-being.

  4. Games can lead to reflection, new knowledge, and discovering thoughts about oneself.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explores the development of Fish Game and how the focus shifted from technology and software to understanding the psychology of gameplay.

  • The team behind Fish Game aimed to create an aquarium simulation that was scientifically accurate and allowed players to design their own tanks while experiencing realistic fish interactions.

  • The video also delves into the value of video games and the impact they have on players, including how games can encourage learning, empathy, and new ways of thinking.

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