Intro to American Dynamism | Summary and Q&A

February 6, 2023
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Intro to American Dynamism


American Dynamism is a movement of builders in Silicon Valley and beyond who are actively supporting the national interest through innovative solutions in various industries.

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Key Insights

  • 😖 American Dynamism is a movement that believes in defending the values and beliefs upon which the country was founded.
  • 🦺 Industries such as housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace are the focus of American Dynamism's efforts.
  • 👯 Silicon Valley is experiencing a shift in the talent pool, with technically skilled young people entering the scene, who are idealistic about serving their country.
  • 🤗 Government agencies are actively seeking innovative technologies and are open to collaborating with young entrepreneurs and startups.
  • ⚾ American Dynamism companies can sell directly to the government, to suppliers of the defense industrial base, or bypass government initially and later be pulled into government sales.
  • 🏈 The movement resonates with founders across Silicon Valley and the entire country, defining the next decade of American innovation.
  • 🇦🇸 American Dynamism companies have the potential to grow rapidly and have a significant impact on America.


foreign to the first American dynamism Summit my name is Catherine Boyle I'm a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz and I'm David ulovich Catherine and I started the American Diamond dynamism practice at Andreessen Horowitz and we know there's been a lot of excitement around the name American dynamism we're incredibly excited to share with you wh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is American Dynamism?

American Dynamism is a movement of builders who are dedicated to defending and fighting for the values and beliefs that the country was founded upon. They invest in industries that are crucial to America's well-being, such as housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace, with the purpose of improving them through advanced software and technology.

Q: What is the talent pool like in Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley is experiencing a shift in the talent pool, with an increasing number of technically skilled young people entering the scene. This group of young entrepreneurs is still idealistic and passionate about serving their country, but they bring a unique technical perspective to their work, making them well-suited for government-focused startups.

Q: How are government agencies embracing innovation?

Government agencies are actively seeking to collaborate with young entrepreneurs and startups to bring innovative technologies into the public sector. This shift began with the work of individuals like former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who pioneered the movement of partnering with Silicon Valley and startup innovation. This curiosity and openness to work with the private sector have extended beyond the defense department and are prevalent in various government agencies.

Q: Do companies need to sell directly to the government to be considered American Dynamism companies?

While some American Dynamism companies do sell directly to the government, it is not a requirement. Many companies in this category sell to suppliers of the defense industrial base or consider government as a key stakeholder that they need to engage with early in their startup cycle. In some cases, companies start serving their communities and end up being pulled into government sales.


In this video, Catherine Boyle and David Ulovich introduce the concept of American dynamism, a movement that aims to support and defend the values and beliefs that the United States was founded upon. They discuss the specific areas of focus for American dynamism, including housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace, and highlight the need for advanced software and technology to improve these industries. They also discuss the changing landscape of talent in Silicon Valley, with more young people opting for careers in the private sector rather than traditional government roles. Additionally, they talk about the increasing interest in government partnerships from the technical talent pool emerging from universities. They highlight the shift in Silicon Valley's perception of government businesses and the growing willingness to invest in these areas. Finally, they discuss the different types of founders and companies that fall under the American dynamism category, emphasizing that direct sales to the government are not the only avenue for inclusion in the movement.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is American dynamism?

American dynamism is a movement of builders that aims to support and defend the values and beliefs that the United States was founded upon. It is a belief in the growth, prosperity, movement, and opportunity that the country offers.

Q: How is American dynamism different from other movements?

American dynamism is specific in its focus on investing in the core components that underpin the American dream and make it more real. It aims to improve industries such as housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace, which have yet to be dramatically improved by advanced software and technology.

Q: What are the two key trends supporting American dynamism?

The first trend is the declining interest of young people in working for the traditional bureaucracy and their preference for careers in the private sector. This trend has continued since a report in the 1990s that highlighted the decline in young people wanting to engage in civic life and support government. The second trend is the increasing number of technically skilled graduates from universities, with more degrees awarded in computer science and engineering compared to liberal arts. This talent pool of young people is both idealistic and technical, making them a valuable resource for innovation.

Q: How has Silicon Valley's perception of government businesses changed?

In the past, Silicon Valley investors were wary of investing in companies that were not purely software-based and had to go through the lengthy government procurement process. However, over the last decade, companies like SpaceX, Palantir, and others have shown that government business can be lucrative and impactful, changing the narrative around government integration in Silicon Valley.

Q: Who are the founders and companies that fall under the American dynamism category?

American dynamism attracts a diverse group of founders, including veterans and individuals with non-traditional profiles. These founders have unique insights into areas of innovation that have yet to be explored and understand how Washington works. The companies in this category are not limited to specific geographic locations, as they are founded all over the country, with new tech hubs emerging beyond San Francisco. Additionally, American dynamism includes companies that sell directly to government, those that are suppliers to the defense industrial base, and even companies that bypass government but eventually get pulled into government sales.

Q: Do American dynamism companies have to sell directly to the government?

No, American dynamism companies can sell directly to government, be suppliers to government entities, or have products/services that are sought after by government officials. These companies view government as a key stakeholder and engage with it in various ways, even if they are not directly selling to government.

Q: How do American dynamism companies get pulled into government sales?

Some American dynamism companies start by building products/services that delight citizens and communities. These companies may initially bypass government sales but get pulled into government partnerships when government officials recognize their value and want to adopt their innovations.

Q: What impact can American dynamism companies have?

American dynamism companies have the potential to grow rapidly and make a significant impact on America. By improving industries such as aviation, aerospace, national security, defense, advanced manufacturing, public safety, transportation, logistics, housing, education, and workforce development, they positively influence the lives of Americans and contribute to the ongoing American experiment.

Q: What is the motivation behind American dynamism?

American dynamism is driven by the belief that the values and beliefs the United States was founded upon are worth defending and fighting for. It is rooted in the growth, prosperity, movement, and opportunity that the country offers, and aims to harness the power of software and technology to improve critical industries and support the national interest.

Q: How has the introduction of American dynamism resonated with founders?

The introduction of American dynamism as a new category of innovation has resonated with founders not only in Silicon Valley but across the country. Founders recognize that this movement will define the next 10 years of American innovation and are eager to be part of it. The impact and success of companies falling under American dynamism have made it a compelling movement that attracts founders who want to make a difference.


American dynamism is a movement of builders who believe in supporting and defending the values and beliefs of the United States. It focuses on improving critical industries like housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace through advanced software and technology. The movement aligns with the changing landscape of talent in Silicon Valley, where more technically skilled young people are opting for careers in the private sector rather than traditional government roles. Silicon Valley's perception of government businesses has also shifted, with increased willingness to invest in companies that support government needs. American dynamism encompasses diverse founders and unique companies that have insights into untapped areas of innovation. These companies may sell directly to government, be suppliers to the government, or initially bypass government sales but eventually get pulled in. By harnessing the power of software and technology, American dynamism companies have the potential to make a significant impact on America and contribute to the ongoing American experiment.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • American Dynamism is a movement of builders who believe in defending and fighting for the values and beliefs that the country was founded upon.

  • The movement focuses on investing in industries such as housing, transportation, education, public safety, logistics, defense, and aerospace, and aims to improve them through advanced software and technology.

  • The practice of American Dynamism is characterized by a talent pool of technically skilled young people who are idealistic about serving their country and a shift in Silicon Valley's perception towards government-focused startups.

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