Imagining Our Future Through Tech | Summary and Q&A

December 30, 2019
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Imagining Our Future Through Tech


In the future, we will have personalized health monitoring, bioengineered materials, smart homes, customized food, augmented reality contact lenses, advanced AI assistants, automated product development, global collaboration, autonomously summoned transportation, and the ability to record dreams.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍⚕️ Personalized health monitoring has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by detecting health issues early and enabling preventive measures.
  • 🕷️ Bioengineering offers the possibility of producing bioengineered materials like spider silk shirts, which are sustainable and possess unique properties.
  • 👪 Smart homes will adapt and reconfigure to meet the needs of occupants while providing cost-effective and personalized solutions.
  • 💁 Augmented reality contact lenses will enhance daily life by providing real-time information and recognizing people's names.
  • ✊ AI-powered smart coaches will optimize productivity and decision making through real-time feedback and personalized scheduling.
  • 🔉 Automated product development using social media data can rapidly generate personalized products aligned with consumer preferences.
  • 🤵 Virtual reality simulation rooms enable seamless global collaboration through real-time translation and cultural understanding.
  • ❓ Autonomously summoned transportation systems offer efficient and personalized transit options in densely populated areas.
  • 😀 Advancements in post-quantum cryptography will ensure the security of online shopping and communications in the face of quantum computers.


so what data would we have we have the data the tracks your urine we've got smart speakers that listen to your voice and changes in your voice over time we've got what you look like we call these selfies so we've got data lots of data we also have algorithms that can take this data and predict health outcomes we can use selfies to predict skin canc... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How will personalized health monitoring revolutionize healthcare?

Personalized health monitoring, through technologies like smart toilets and voice analysis algorithms, will allow for the early detection of health problems, thus enabling proactive and preventive healthcare measures. This can lead to improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

Q: How will bioengineered materials like spider silk shirts be produced?

Bioengineering techniques, like CRISPR, allow scientists to insert genes that code for spider silk proteins into ecoli cells. These cells can then be grown in a bioreactor, producing the proteins that can be used to create spider silk fabric.

Q: How will augmented reality contact lenses enhance our daily lives?

Augmented reality contact lenses, equipped with tiny projectors and cameras, will provide a heads-up display with real-time information. This can include recognizing people's names, displaying recent interactions, and providing contextual information about the physical world.

Q: How will the use of AI-powered smart coaches impact productivity and decision making?

AI-powered smart coaches will provide real-time feedback during meetings, optimizing performance by suggesting questions, reminding about action items, and scheduling tasks based on individual productivity patterns. They will enhance decision making and improve overall productivity.

Q: What are the potential benefits of automated product development using social media data?

Automated product development can leverage social media data to identify influencers' styles and fans' preferences, rapidly generating custom clothes. This enables personalized products, reduces time-to-market, and ensures that fashion trends align with consumer demand.

Q: How will virtual reality simulation rooms enable global collaboration?

Virtual reality simulation rooms will provide real-time language translation and cultural understanding, allowing global teams to collaborate seamlessly. This enables immersive practice, cultural empathy, and effective communication in a simulated environment.

Q: What advantages do autonomously summoned transportation systems offer?

Autonomously summoned transportation systems like auto pods provide on-demand and efficient transit options. They offer privacy, reduced travel times, and increased capacity, improving the overall transportation experience in densely populated areas.

Q: How will the advancements in post-quantum cryptography ensure secure online shopping?

Post-quantum cryptography involves developing new algorithms and encryption methods that are resistant to attacks from quantum computers. This ensures that online shopping and communication remain secure, even as quantum computing becomes more powerful.

Q: How could the ability to record dreams be used in the future?

The ability to record dreams using brainwave activity analysis could be used for entertainment, communication, and psychological research. It offers the potential for sharing dream experiences with others and studying the complexities of the human mind.


This video explores the potential technologies and advancements that could shape life in the 2030s. It covers various aspects such as personalized health monitoring, bioengineered materials, AI assistants, customized food, smart mirrors, augmented reality contact lenses, virtual meetings, automated product development, VR simulations, instant feedback, lab-grown meat, autonomous transportation, quantum cryptography, brain-like computers, and dream recording.

Questions & Answers

Q: What kind of data can be used to predict health outcomes?

The data that can be used to predict health outcomes includes urine analysis data, voice changes over time, and selfies. Algorithms can analyze these data and predict conditions like skin cancer, depression, or early onset Alzheimer's.

Q: What is missing in the current approach to utilizing health data and algorithms?

While there is a vast amount of data and algorithms available for predicting health outcomes, there is a need for a business model and privacy and ethical frameworks to properly integrate and utilize these resources.

Q: How can bioengineering be used to produce spider silk shirts?

Bioengineering techniques, such as CRISPR, can be used to copy and paste DNA sequences that code for spider silk proteins into bacteria like E. coli. These bacteria can then produce the desired proteins, which can be used to create spider silk shirts.

Q: What challenges exist in managing a large number of IoT devices in our homes?

As the number of IoT devices in our homes increases, there is a need for improved usability in managing and updating their software. The current process of constant prompts for updates would be unmanageable with hundreds of devices, so a breakthrough in usability design is required.

Q: How can lab-grown meat be a more sustainable and ethical alternative?

Lab-grown or engineered meat can be produced by taking tissue samples and stem cells from animals and growing them in a bioreactor. This approach is more environmentally friendly, eliminates the need for traditional animal farming, and can potentially create cleaner and safer supply chains.

Q: Can augmented reality contact lenses be developed?

Shrinking projectors and cameras into smaller form factors has already been achieved. The challenge lies in embedding these components into transparent and flexible contact lens materials, ensuring high resolution, and finding ways to power and transmit data to the lenses.

Q: How can a smart coach provide better assistance than current virtual assistants?

To create a more advanced smart coach, there is a need to move beyond data-fed machine learning algorithms and explore more brain-like hardware and software approaches. This could involve developing neuromorphic chips that mimic the functionality of the human brain and incorporating cognitive psychology principles to understand and support users more effectively.

Q: What technologies are needed for autonomous transportation like the Auto Pod?

Most of the necessary technologies for autonomous transportation already exist, as they are a subset of those required for self-driving cars. However, widespread adoption would require regulatory approval and acceptance from various stakeholders, including government agencies and transit planning authorities.

Q: What is the challenge in online shopping and the need for post-quantum cryptography?

The challenge lies in ensuring secure communication and transactions in online shopping. The development of quantum computers, capable of breaking current encryption methods, necessitates the implementation of post-quantum cryptography algorithms to maintain secure online exchanges and protect sensitive information.

Q: Is recording dreams possible?

Although still speculative, research projects have shown promise in interpreting brain signals and turning them into audio and video. Brainwave analysis has been used to synthesize speech, while brain scans and deep generative networks have been used to create visual representations of images seen by individuals. Continued progress in brain-computer interfaces and neuroscience could pave the way for dream recording.


The future portrayed in the video offers exciting possibilities for improved health, personalized experiences, efficient collaboration, sustainable practices, and enhanced technology. However, to make these advancements a reality, attention is needed on developing appropriate business models, privacy frameworks, and ethical considerations to effectively combine data, algorithms, and technology. Additionally, challenges in usability, regulation, and security must be addressed to support the widespread adoption of these innovations. Overall, the future holds tremendous potential for positive change and progress.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In the future, advanced technology will allow for personalized health monitoring through data tracking, such as smart toilets that analyze urine and algorithms that predict health outcomes based on various data inputs.

  • Bioengineering will enable the production of bioengineered materials, like spider silk shirts, by replicating spider silk proteins using CRISPR and ecoli cells.

  • Smart homes will be able to reconfigure and adapt to the needs of the occupants, save costs through personalization, and even produce cultured meats as a sustainable protein source.

  • Augmented reality contact lenses will provide a heads-up display, recognizing people's names and displaying relevant information in real-time.

  • AI-powered smart coaches will assist in various aspects of life, such as providing real-time feedback in meetings, optimizing productivity, and offering personalized scheduling.

  • Automated product development will leverage social media data to identify influencers' styles and their fans' preferences, rapidly generating custom clothes for production.

  • Advanced collaboration tools, like VR simulation rooms, will enable global collaboration by providing real-time language translation and cultural understanding.

  • Autonomously summoned transportation, such as auto pods, will replace traditional public transportation systems, offering efficient and personalized transit options.

  • Technological advancements in post-quantum cryptography will ensure the security of online shopping and communications as quantum computers become more powerful.

  • The ability to record dreams and convert brainwave activity into audio and video signals is being explored, offering exciting possibilities for entertainment and communication.

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