"If You Want To SUCCEED In Life, DEVELOP THESE SKILLS!" Yuval Noah Harari & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

February 26, 2021
Success Habits
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"If You Want To SUCCEED In Life, DEVELOP THESE SKILLS!" Yuval Noah Harari & Jay Shetty


In a world where technology has become increasingly dominant, it is crucial to cultivate humility and overcome digital addiction in order to connect with others and engage in meaningful relationships.

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Key Insights

  • 🔍 The mystery of the universe: While we may think we have free will in our choices, it is increasingly easier for external forces to manipulate our decisions, thanks to advancing technology.
  • 🌍 Global responsibility: As the world faces major challenges such as climate change and education disparities, it's important for individuals and countries to take action and not rely solely on leaders to solve these issues.
  • 😴 Embracing boredom: Taking time off and being comfortable with boredom is essential for self-exploration and the development of important skills such as critical thinking and creativity.
  • 🎓 The changing education system: With the rise of AI and automation, the job market is rapidly changing, making it necessary for education systems to adapt and teach skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
  • 📱 Technology addiction: Spending more time looking at screens than engaging with others in-person can lead to social and interpersonal problems, making it important to be aware of our dependence on technology and find a healthy balance.
  • 💡 The power of humility: Recognizing that no one nation, religion, or individual is the center of the universe is crucial for global understanding and cooperation, as well as the development of empathy and open-mindedness.
  • ✨ Practicing humility: It's valuable to observe our breath, be aware of our own flaws and limitations, and continuously learn from others. This cultivates humility and helps us grow as individuals.


in that moment in the supermarket that i stand and i see these two brands and how to choose i choose this bread the mystery of the universe it isn't the mystery of the universe we know today a lot about what's really happening in your brain in your mind when you make this choice and it's increasingly becoming easier and easier to manipulate these c... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can individuals promote humility in their daily lives?

Promoting humility starts with recognizing that one's own perspective is not the only valid one and actively seeking out different viewpoints. It involves listening and empathizing with others, acknowledging their contributions, and being open to learning from diverse experiences and perspectives. By practicing humility, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of understanding and compassion towards others, creating a more harmonious society.

Q: How can individuals overcome digital addiction?

Overcoming digital addiction requires individuals to set boundaries and prioritize real-world connections. This can be achieved by consciously reducing screen time, setting aside specific times to be technology-free, and engaging in activities that encourage face-to-face interactions. Additionally, finding alternative outlets for entertainment and fulfillment, such as hobbies, sports, or community involvement, can help combat the lure of constant digital engagement. It's important to recognize the negative impact of excessive screen time on personal relationships and well-being, and take proactive steps to establish a healthier balance.


In this video, the speaker discusses various topics including happiness, free will, and the education system. The conversation highlights the importance of exploring oneself, overcoming boredom, and the challenges posed by the changing job market due to advancements in AI and technology. The speaker also emphasizes the need for global thinking and action to address the educational crisis and reduce inequalities around the world.

Questions & Answers

Q: How should we set expectations for happiness?

Setting expectations for happiness requires taking the time to familiarize ourselves with our current expectations and understanding the factors that have influenced them. Many of our desires and expectations are not reflective of our true selves but are influenced by external and internal forces that are often unknown to us. It is crucial to explore what is happening inside us and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves before forming a list of expectations.

Q: How much free will does a person have?

As a first approximation, a person has extremely little free will in their decisions. While there may be some theoretical possibility of free will, the reality is that 99% of our decisions are influenced by external and internal factors rather than our own free will. We often mistake any thought or desire that pops into our mind as a representation of our free will, but this is not the case. Free will is not something we have inherently; it is something we need to struggle for and work towards.

Q: How can we become more okay with boredom?

Becoming okay with boredom requires taking time off and allowing ourselves to experience it. While complete disconnection may not be necessary, it is essential to find moments for self-reflection and self-exploration. Different strategies work for different people, such as meditation, engaging in artistic activities, or spending time in nature. However, it is important to remember that the journey of inner exploration may not always be fun; it can involve boredom, pain, and even fear. Embracing and accepting these experiences is necessary for personal growth.

Q: What are the challenges posed by the changing job market due to AI and technology?

The emergence of AI and technology is reshaping the job market, and there is uncertainty about the skills that will be needed in the future. With machines, computers, and robots replacing or transforming many jobs, new high-skilled jobs will emerge, creating a gap between the skills people possess and the skills required to secure these new jobs. This poses challenges for training and retraining individuals to match the demands of the evolving job market. Additionally, there is a growing inequality between countries, with some countries lacking the resources and infrastructure to prepare their populations for these changes.

Q: How can we address the educational crisis and reduce global inequalities?

One of the main challenges in addressing the educational crisis is the lack of resources in many countries, especially in less developed regions. Money is a critical requirement to improve educational infrastructure. Global thinking and support are also crucial to ensure that all countries have access to quality education. The goal should be to create more meaningful careers and job opportunities worldwide, focusing on promoting and investing in education to build skills that align with the evolving job market. Creating a more cohesive and equitable world involves individual responsibility as well, with each person taking action and becoming change-makers to support educational initiatives and priorities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The current education system is facing a crisis due to the unpredictable future of the job market and the growing gap between countries in terms of skills and opportunities.

  • Technology, while providing convenience and connectivity, is also downgrading important human skills, such as engaging with different opinions and dealing with difficult issues.

  • It is essential to prioritize meaningful connections and engage in face-to-face interactions, as spending excessive time looking at screens can hinder personal growth and intercultural understanding.

  • Humility is a key quality that allows individuals to recognize their place in the world and understand the contributions of others, fostering empathy and unity.

  • Overcoming digital addiction requires individuals to be conscious of their screen time and to actively seek opportunities for real-world engagement and connection.

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