I'M AN ODD READER?! | Summary and Q&A

August 10, 2018
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Take this BuzzFeed quiz to find out how much of a book nerd you are based on your unique bookish habits.

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Key Insights

  • 🏁 Bookworms often find themselves starting new books before finishing the ones they're currently reading.
  • 📑 Using unconventional items, such as receipts, as bookmarks is a common bookish habit.
  • 😃 Book lovers can feel personally offended when someone admits they don't read much, but it's an opportunity to introduce them to the joy of reading.
  • 🌒 Sniffing books and enjoying their scent is a guilty pleasure for many readers.
  • 🌱 Canceling plans to read is a behavior seen among dedicated bookworms.
  • 🤑 Choosing a favorite book can be difficult for some readers, as they have a special connection to multiple ones.
  • 📔 Browsing bookstores without the intention of buying is a way for book enthusiasts to indulge in their love for books.


what operator fam I just does not feel natural to not whoosh into the video but it looks so awkward when I wish in from this position like look at this sure what operator fam like that's so awkward you can see me wishing in what's the point anyways today I'm gonna be doing another BuzzFeed bookish quiz I've taken a few of BuzzFeed's bookish quizzes... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Do you relate to the cycle of starting a new book before finishing another one?

Yes, I often find myself caught in this cycle as well. It can be frustrating but also exciting to start new books.

Q: Do you use receipts as bookmarks?

While I don't keep receipts for this purpose, I can understand the attachment some book lovers have to using them. It's a quirky habit that many can relate to.

Q: How do you feel when someone tells you they don't read much?

Rather than getting offended, I see it as an opportunity to introduce them to the joys of reading. It's a chance to recommend books and share the love for reading.

Q: Do you enjoy the smell of new books?

Absolutely! Sniffing books may seem odd to some, but for bookworms, it's a delightful experience. There's no shame in enjoying the scent of freshly printed pages.

Q: Have you ever canceled plans to spend time reading?

Occasionally, readers prioritize their reading time and may choose to cancel plans in favor of a good book. It's even better when you have understanding reader friends who can relate.

Q: Do you struggle to pick a favorite book?

While some readers may have a clear favorite, others, like myself, find it challenging to choose just one. It's like being asked to pick a favorite child; each book holds a special place.

Q: Have you ever gone to a bookstore even when you couldn't afford to buy any books?

Yes, many book enthusiasts visit bookstores just to browse and immerse themselves in the world of books. It's a way to appreciate the beauty and diversity of literature, even without making a purchase.

Q: Have you ever bought multiple copies of the same book?

Some readers enjoy owning different editions or formats of their favorite books, whether it be paperbacks, e-books, or special editions. It's a way to show love and support for their beloved titles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video introduces a BuzzFeed bookish quiz called "You might be a slightly odd book nerd if you've done 15 out of 20 of these things."

  • The creator discusses her own bookish habits, such as starting a new book while already reading another, using receipts as bookmarks, and becoming personally offended when someone says they don't read much.

  • She goes through each item on the quiz and shares her own experiences and opinions on them.

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