HuggingChat: This is HUGE for Open Source ChatGPT! | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Prompt Engineering
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HuggingChat: This is HUGE for Open Source ChatGPT!


Huggingface announces the release of Hugging Chat, an open-source chat interface powered by Open Assistant, offering privacy, customization, and the ability to integrate multiple open-source models.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Hugging Chat is an open-source chat interface that allows users to interact with various open-source models and customize the interface.
  • 👤 User data is not collected by Hugging Chat in its current version, but there may be future options for users to share their generated data.
  • 🤗 The code for the Hugging Chat interface is open-source, enabling users to copy it into their own space and make changes or integrate different models.
  • 🍻 Hugging Chat offers privacy, customization, and the ability to share conversations through generated links.
  • 👤 The interface of Hugging Chat resembles the Chat GPT interface, providing a familiar user experience.
  • 🤗 Huggingface, the company behind Hugging Chat, is known for democratizing access to AI models and hosting a large number of open-source models and datasets.
  • 😚 Hugging Chat can be a potential alternative to Chat GPT or other closed-source models, offering transparency and control over the generated data.


this is probably one of the biggest developments when it comes to a free and open source alternative to chat TPT the CEO of huggingface just announced the release of hugging chat an Open Source Early prototype interface powered by open Assistant a hugging face if you don't know is the company that has really democratized access to AI for masses and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Hugging Chat and what sets it apart from other chat interfaces?

Hugging Chat is an open-source chat interface developed by Huggingface. What sets it apart is its privacy approach, customizable features, and the ability to integrate different open-source models.

Q: Does Hugging Chat store user data?

No, in its current version (v0), Hugging Chat only stores messages to display to the user and does not use the data for research or model training purposes. However, in the future, they may introduce an optional feature for users to share their generated data.

Q: Can users replace the default model in Hugging Chat?

Yes, users can replace the default model with another model by copying the UI code into their own space. This allows for customization and integration of different open-source models.

Q: Is Hugging Chat accessible without creating an account?

Yes, currently users do not need to create an account to use Hugging Chat. However, clearing cookies or switching browsers will result in the loss of conversation history.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Huggingface has announced the release of Hugging Chat, an open-source chat interface powered by Open Assistant, providing access to various open-source models.

  • With Hugging Chat, users can interact with different open-source models, customize the interface, and have control over their generated data.

  • The interface mimics the Chat GPT interface and allows users to start new chats, change themes, and share conversations through generated links.

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