How to work out Surface area Instantly. | Summary and Q&A

October 21, 2022
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How to work out Surface area Instantly.


Learn a simple trick to quickly calculate the surface area of any rectangular prism shape.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🏫 The video teaches a quick and easy trick to calculate the surface area of rectangular prisms.
  • ❓ Selecting two side lengths and following a specific formula simplifies the calculation process.
  • 🪜 The steps involve adding, multiplying, and doubling the values to find the surface area.
  • ❓ The trick can be applied to any rectangular prism, regardless of its dimensions.
  • ❓ Understanding the concept of surface area and its calculation is essential in geometry.
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good day welcome to Tech maath Channel I'm Josh today I'm going to show you a nice easy way that you can work out the surface area of any rectangular prism shape just like this one here so we're going to launch straight into this example right there then we're going to go through another example and then I'm going to show you why this works so firs... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism?

To calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism, you first select two side lengths, add them together, and multiply by the third side length. Then, multiply the two selected side lengths and add the results. Finally, double the total to get the surface area.

Q: Can you explain the steps with an example?

Sure! Let's say we have a rectangular prism with a height of 4 units, width of 7 units, and depth of 3 units. We select the side lengths 7 and 3, add them to get 10, and multiply it by the height (4) to get 40. Then, we multiply the selected side lengths (7 and 3) to get 21. Adding these together (40 + 21), we get a total of 61. Finally, we double this value (61 * 2) to find the surface area, which is 122 unit squares.

Q: Does this trick work for any rectangular prism?

Yes, this trick works for calculating the surface area of any rectangular prism shape, regardless of the dimensions. As long as you follow the steps correctly, you will be able to find the surface area quickly and accurately.

Q: Are there any other shortcuts or formulas for finding the surface area of a rectangular prism?

The method shown in the video is a simple and efficient way to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism. However, there are alternative methods, such as finding the area of each side separately and summing them up, which can also yield the same result.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explains a step-by-step process to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism.

  • By selecting two side lengths and following a specific formula, the surface area can be calculated easily.

  • The trick involves adding the selected side lengths, multiplying by the third side length, and doubling the result.

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