How to UPGRADE iPad note taking (with Science) | Summary and Q&A

November 17, 2023
Justin Sung
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How to UPGRADE iPad note taking (with Science)


Learn how to take effective notes on an iPad to improve your learning and retention, based on evidence-based learning science.

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Key Insights

  • 🛀 Linear note-taking on paper is inefficient and does not facilitate memory and understanding.
  • 👻 Nonlinear note-taking on an iPad allows for better organization, visualization, and representation of networks and relationships in information.
  • 😀 Apps designed for learning often fail to incorporate evidence-based learning science principles.
  • 🤔 Nonlinear note-taking requires more thinking and processing of information but leads to better retention and deeper understanding.
  • 🎵 Copying and pasting images and simple paraphrasing in notes do not promote meaningful learning.
  • 😀 Limited page size on paper and apps can restrict the representation of networks and connections in notes.
  • 🥺 Nonlinear note-taking helps in identifying knowledge gaps and filling them, leading to stronger and more connected knowledge networks.


I am a tree's best friend because for the last 12 years I've been taking notes almost exclusively on my tablet there's nothing special about that there's lots of people that take notes on their tablet but the way that I write notes has allowed me to achieve the top ranking Mark in my cohort while spending a fraction of the time studying compared to... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the problem with linear note-taking on paper?

Linear note-taking takes a lot of time, is not good for memory and understanding, and limits the representation of networks and relationships in the information.

Q: How does nonlinear note-taking on an iPad solve these problems?

Nonlinear note-taking on an iPad with an app like Concepts or Freeform allows for better organization, visualization, and representation of networks and relationships in the information.

Q: What are the benefits of nonlinear note-taking?

Nonlinear note-taking promotes higher-order learning, improves retention and understanding, helps in identifying knowledge gaps, and makes future learning faster and easier.

Q: How can using an iPad for note-taking support efficient learning?

The Infinite Canvas of an iPad allows for limitless space, avoiding the limitations of physical paper. Additionally, using the right app and following evidence-based learning science principles can enhance the learning process.

Q: What is the problem with linear note-taking on paper?

Linear note-taking takes a lot of time, is not good for memory and understanding, and limits the representation of networks and relationships in the information.

More Insights

  • Linear note-taking on paper is inefficient and does not facilitate memory and understanding.

  • Nonlinear note-taking on an iPad allows for better organization, visualization, and representation of networks and relationships in information.

  • Apps designed for learning often fail to incorporate evidence-based learning science principles.

  • Nonlinear note-taking requires more thinking and processing of information but leads to better retention and deeper understanding.

  • Copying and pasting images and simple paraphrasing in notes do not promote meaningful learning.

  • Limited page size on paper and apps can restrict the representation of networks and connections in notes.

  • Nonlinear note-taking helps in identifying knowledge gaps and filling them, leading to stronger and more connected knowledge networks.

  • Investing time in developing efficient note-taking skills pays off in lifelong learning and improves confidence and anxiety.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Linear note-taking on paper is inefficient and not conducive to memory and understanding.

  • Nonlinear note-taking on an iPad allows for better organization, visualization, and understanding of complex information.

  • Using an iPad with an app that supports nonlinear note-taking can enhance the learning process and improve retention.

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