How To Sound Great | Student Podcast Challenge Guide To Sound | NPR | Summary and Q&A

January 10, 2020
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How To Sound Great | Student Podcast Challenge Guide To Sound | NPR


Learn how to improve your podcast sound quality by using pillow forts and other hacks to reduce echo and background noise.

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Key Insights

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Soundproofing is essential for podcast recordings to ensure clear and professional audio.
  • ๐Ÿ‘‚ Pillow forts can serve as convenient and portable sound barriers to reduce background noise and echo.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Alternative materials like coats, rugs, and blankets can also help cut echo and improve sound quality.


Hi I'm Elissa Nadworny for the student podcast challenge and this is an NPR studio. It's a soundproof room where we record podcasts and news segments and we interview famous people and I'm here today to guide you through making your podcast sound better. The problem with classrooms and schools is they're filled with people and people make noises. S... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can pillow forts help improve podcast sound quality?

Pillow forts act as sound barriers, reducing background noise and echo by absorbing sound waves. They create a more controlled recording environment, resulting in clearer audio.

Q: What other hacks can be used to cut echo in podcast recordings?

Apart from pillow forts, you can use coats, rugs, blankets, or cloth as buffers between your voice and hard surfaces. These materials help absorb sound and reduce echo for better audio quality.

Q: Why is it important to reduce background noise in podcast recordings?

Background noise can distract listeners and make it difficult to hear the host or guests. By reducing background noise, the podcast becomes more professional and enjoyable for the audience.

Q: When is the deadline for submitting entries to the student podcast challenge?

The deadline for submitting entries to the student podcast challenge is March 24th. More information about the challenge can be found on the NPR website:

Q: How can pillow forts help improve podcast sound quality?

Pillow forts act as sound barriers, reducing background noise and echo by absorbing sound waves. They create a more controlled recording environment, resulting in clearer audio.

More Insights

  • Soundproofing is essential for podcast recordings to ensure clear and professional audio.

  • Pillow forts can serve as convenient and portable sound barriers to reduce background noise and echo.

  • Alternative materials like coats, rugs, and blankets can also help cut echo and improve sound quality.

  • The student podcast challenge is an opportunity to showcase your podcasting skills and win recognition. Don't miss the deadline!

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Classrooms and schools are filled with noise, making it difficult to record podcasts. Creating a soundproof environment is crucial for clear audio.

  • NPR reporters often use pillow forts to reduce background noise and echo during on-the-go recordings.

  • Lauren, an audio producer at NPR, shares other hacks to cut echo, such as using coats, rugs, blankets, and cloth as buffers between your voice and hard surfaces.

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