How to solce Time and Work problems easily in 5 seconds! | Summary and Q&A

June 13, 2023
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How to solce Time and Work problems easily in 5 seconds!


Learn how to quickly solve time and work questions in under 5 seconds with a simple method.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 The fastest way to solve time and work questions is by multiplying the number of days each person takes, adding them, and then dividing the product by the sum.
  • 🧑 The method can be modified for different scenarios, such as finding the time taken by one person alone or including more than two people.
  • 😫 By setting up an algebra equation, the method can be adapted to solve for unknown variables in time and work problems.
  • 🤩 The key to mastering this method is practice and familiarity with the concept of efficiency in completing tasks.
  • 💦 The method provides a quicker alternative to traditional approaches of solving time and work questions.
  • 💦 Understanding the relationship between time, work, and efficiency is crucial for efficiently solving these types of problems.
  • 👻 Utilizing this method allows for consistent and accurate solutions to time and work questions.


good day welcome to techmath channel I'm Josh today we're going to look at the fastest way of going through and doing time and work questions that is you'll be able to solve these in under 5 seconds so let's launch into an example and see how you go so we have Adam can do a job in 12 days Bob can do the same job in 6 days how long will it take them... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the basic method for solving time and work questions quickly?

The basic method involves multiplying the number of days each person takes, adding them together, and then dividing the product by the sum.

Q: How is the method modified when finding the number of days Bob takes alone?

For this case, an algebra equation is set up, where the product of Adam's days and Bob's days divided by the sum of their days is equal to Bob's days alone.

Q: Can the method be applied to a problem with three people working together?

Yes, the method can be extended by multiplying the days each person takes together before finding the sum and dividing.

Q: How does the method help to solve time and work questions quickly?

The method allows for a simplified calculation by considering the individual efficiencies of each person and finding the combined efficiency.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates a fast method to solve time and work questions, using the example of Adam and Bob completing a job together in 4 days.

  • The method involves multiplying the number of days each person takes to complete the job, adding them together, and then dividing the product by the sum.

  • A second example is given, where Bob completes the job alone. The method is modified by setting up an algebra equation to solve for the number of days Bob takes.

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