How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene | Summary and Q&A

February 27, 2017
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How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene


Practice, through the formation of myelin in the brain, improves neural pathways and allows for faster and more efficient movement.

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Key Insights

  • 🤍 Practice improves neural pathways by increasing myelin in the brain's white matter.
  • ❓ Mastery of a skill requires both quantity and quality of practice.
  • 🤗 Minimizing distractions and focusing solely on the task at hand enhances practice effectiveness.
  • 🥺 Mental practice can reinforce physical motions and lead to improvement.
  • 🏛️ Coordination is built through repetitions, correct or incorrect.
  • ⌛ Elite performers dedicate significant time to practice activities related to their craft.
  • 💪 The myelination of neural pathways rather than muscle memory is responsible for improved performance.


Mastering any physical skill, be it performing a pirouette, playing an instrument, or throwing a baseball, takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. So what does practice do in our brains to make us better at things? Our brains have two kinds ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does practice affect the inner workings of our brains?

Practice increases the layers of myelin sheath in the white matter, improving insulation and allowing for more efficient neural pathways.

Q: Do muscles have memory?

Muscles themselves do not have memory, but the myelination of neural pathways resulting from practice gives athletes and performers faster and more efficient movement.

Q: Is the amount of practice hours the only factor in mastering a skill?

No, mastery is not solely determined by the amount of practice. The quality and effectiveness of practice, targeting weaknesses and consistent focus, are also important.

Q: How can we make the most out of our practice time?

Tips for effective practice include minimizing distractions, starting slowly and gradually increasing speed, taking frequent repetitions with breaks, and mentally practicing the skill in vivid detail.

Q: How does practice affect the inner workings of our brains?

Practice increases the layers of myelin sheath in the white matter, improving insulation and allowing for more efficient neural pathways.

More Insights

  • Practice improves neural pathways by increasing myelin in the brain's white matter.

  • Mastery of a skill requires both quantity and quality of practice.

  • Minimizing distractions and focusing solely on the task at hand enhances practice effectiveness.

  • Mental practice can reinforce physical motions and lead to improvement.

  • Coordination is built through repetitions, correct or incorrect.

  • Elite performers dedicate significant time to practice activities related to their craft.

  • The myelination of neural pathways rather than muscle memory is responsible for improved performance.

  • Effective practice pushes individual limits, maximizes potential, and helps achieve new heights.


Mastering any physical skill, such as playing an instrument or throwing a baseball, requires practice. This repetition of actions with the goal of improvement helps our brains process information more efficiently. The myelin sheath, a fatty substance that wraps around axons in the brain, seems to change with practice, creating a sort of superhighway for information. While muscle memory is often credited for athletes' and performers' success, it is actually the myelination of neural pathways that contributes to faster and more efficient movements. Effective practice is not just about the amount of time spent, but also the quality and focus of that practice. Minimizing distractions, starting slowly, taking breaks, and mentally practicing can all enhance the effectiveness of practice sessions.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does practice or repetition affect the inner workings of our brains?

Practice and repetition seem to affect the myelin sheath, which wraps around axons in the white matter of our brains. Through myelination, the layers of the sheath increase with practice, forming a more efficient pathway for information to travel from the brain to the muscles.

Q: Do muscles actually have memory?

No, muscles themselves do not have memory. Instead, it is the myelination of neural pathways that contributes to faster and more efficient movements. This myelination enhances the communication between the brain and muscles.

Q: How can practice be effective in mastering a skill?

Effective practice involves consistency, intense focus, and targeting weaknesses. It is not just about the amount of time spent practicing, but also the quality of the practice. By focusing on the task at hand and eliminating distractions, gradually increasing the speed of correct repetitions, and taking frequent breaks, practice can be more effective in skill development.

Q: What are some common practice habits of elite performers?

Elite performers often spend 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft. They divide their practice time into multiple daily sessions of limited duration. This frequent repetition with allotted breaks allows for focused and efficient practice.

Q: Can mental practice be as effective as physical practice?

Yes, mental practice can be as effective as physical practice. Studies have shown that imagining a physical motion can reinforce it in the brain. In one experiment with basketball players, those who mentally practiced one-handed free throws showed similar improvement to those who physically practiced them.

Q: What are some tips to get the most out of practice time?

To optimize practice time, it is important to minimize distractions by turning off devices and focusing solely on the task at hand. Starting slowly and gradually increasing the speed of correct repetitions can help build coordination. Taking frequent breaks and dividing practice sessions into shorter durations can also enhance effectiveness. Additionally, mentally practicing the desired movements in vivid detail can further reinforce skill development.

Q: How do distractions affect the effectiveness of practice?

Distractions can significantly reduce the effectiveness of practice. Research has shown that students were able to stay on task for only six minutes at a time on average, with laptops, smartphones, and social media being the primary sources of distraction. Minimizing distractions allows for greater focus and concentration during practice.

Q: What is the role of myelin in the brain?

Myelin is a fatty substance that wraps around axons in the white matter of the brain. It acts as insulation, preventing energy loss from electrical signals and promoting the efficient transmission of information along neural pathways. The myelin sheath allows signals to travel more quickly and effectively between the brain and muscles.

Q: Is the amount of practice time the only factor in mastering a skill?

No, the amount of practice time alone is not the sole determinant of skill mastery. The quality and effectiveness of practice also play important roles. Consistent, focused practice that targets weaknesses and pushes the boundaries of one's abilities is key. Effective practice involves deliberate effort and improvement rather than simply accumulating hours of practice.

Q: What is the significance of effective practice in maximizing our potential?

Effective practice is the best way to push our individual limits, achieve new heights, and maximize our potential. By improving the efficiency of our neural pathways and reinforcing desired movements, effective practice allows us to continually develop and refine our skills. It is through effective practice that we can unlock our full capabilities.


Mastering a physical skill requires practice, and the repetition of actions can improve our brain's ability to process information efficiently. Myelination, the process of increasing the layers of the myelin sheath around axons, enhances the communication between the brain and muscles. Effective practice involves consistency, focus, and targeting weaknesses, with strategies such as minimizing distractions, gradually increasing speed, taking breaks, and mentally practicing. Distractions can diminish the effectiveness of practice, highlighting the importance of creating a conducive environment for focused learning. Mastery is not solely determined by the amount of practice time, but also by the quality and effectiveness of that practice. By continuously refining our skills through effective practice, we can maximize our potential and achieve new heights in our chosen pursuits.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, allowing us to perform with more ease, speed, and confidence.

  • The brain has grey matter, which processes information, and white matter, made up of fatty tissue and nerve fibers.

  • Myelin, a fatty substance covering axons in the brain, increases with practice, forming a superhighway for information and improving neural pathways.

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