How To Pay Yourself First Life Changing Strategy (Frugal Living Planning) | Summary and Q&A

August 16, 2022
Investor Weekly
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How To Pay Yourself First Life Changing Strategy (Frugal Living Planning)


Automating savings through an online bank account is the best way to pay yourself first and ensure financial security.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ’¨ Automating savings through an online bank account is a reliable way to pay yourself first.
  • πŸ€— Opening a savings account with an online bank offers higher interest rates.
  • 🚨 Saving in categories like retirement, emergency fund, travel, car, and house helps manage finances effectively.
  • πŸŒ₯️ Retirement savings should have the largest portion of savings.
  • 🍧 Having a general savings/emergency fund is crucial for unexpected expenses.
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ A separate fund for travel and hobbies helps control overspending.
  • 😨 Saving for a car and house allows for timely purchases without financial burden.


in today's video we're going to be teaching you the most reliable method of paying yourself first which is integral for having first control of your personal finance paying yourself first simply means saving money for things that you need and deserve in life the best way to do this is to automate your savings so that way you don't ever have to worr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What does it mean to pay yourself first?

Paying yourself first is the practice of saving money for your own needs and desires before spending on anything else.

Q: Why is automating savings recommended?

Automating savings ensures that you consistently save money without having to manually transfer funds, making it easier to build wealth.

Q: Why should I open a savings account with an online bank?

Online banks offer higher interest rates compared to retail banks, providing more returns for your savings.

Q: What are the major categories recommended for saving?

The major categories to save for are retirement, general savings/emergency fund, travel/hobbies, car, and house.

Q: Why should retirement savings have the largest portion of savings?

Retirement savings are crucial for securing your financial future, and starting early and saving consistently can result in substantial growth.

Q: How can a general savings/emergency fund be useful?

This fund is essential for covering unexpected expenses like medical bills, car repairs, or job loss, and can also be used for major purchases.

Q: What is the purpose of a travel and hobby fund?

Having a designated savings account for travel and hobbies helps keep spending under control and allows you to enjoy things you love without overspending.

Q: How can saving in categories help manage personal finances?

Splitting savings into different categories ensures that money is allocated correctly, so you can easily track progress and always have enough for specific goals.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Paying yourself first means saving money for your needs and desires in life, and automating savings is the most reliable method.

  • Opening a savings account with an online bank is recommended due to higher interest rates.

  • Creating categories within the account helps save for different goals, such as retirement, emergencies, travel, car, and house.

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