How to multiply ANY number by 11 instantly | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2019
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How to multiply ANY number by 11 instantly


Learn how to multiply any number by 11 directly by following a simple method of adding the digits.

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Key Insights

  • ↔️ Multiplying a number by 11 involves adding the digits from right to left and carrying over when necessary.
  • 🏮 The method can be easily applied when multiplying numbers mentally or on paper.
  • 🐎 Practice with different examples can help improve speed and accuracy in using the method.
  • 🥇 Understanding the number place value is crucial in applying the method effectively.
  • ✖️ Multiplying by 11 can be simplified by treating the multiplication of individual digits separately.
  • 💨 The method provides a quick and efficient way to multiply numbers by 11 without the need for complex calculations.
  • 🍹 Carrying over is necessary when the sum of the digits is greater than 9.


good day welcome to Tech math Channel really really quick video today for a really simple easy math trick how to multiply any number by 11 directly so sit back enjoy learn something and uh if you like this video please remember hit the like button and hit the Bell as well if you want to get a notifications when my next videos come out so let's go i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you multiply a number by 11 directly?

To multiply a number by 11, you add the digits from right to left and carry over when the sum is greater than 9.

Q: What should be done if there is carrying involved in the addition?

If carrying is involved, the carried digit is written down and added to the sum of the next digits.

Q: Can this method be used mentally or is it better to use paper?

While this method can be used mentally, it is recommended to use paper and go right to left to avoid confusion.

Q: Why does multiplying by 11 involve adding the digits?

Multiplying by 11 involves adding the digits because 11 is the sum of 10 and 1. Adding the digits mimics the process of multiplying by 10 and adding the original number.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video teaches a quick and easy method to multiply any number by 11 directly.

  • The method involves adding the digits from right to left and carrying over when necessary.

  • The video provides examples of multiplying numbers by 11 using the method.

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