How to make Making Teaching Effective | Dr Amit Dua | TEDxVIFT | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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How to make Making Teaching Effective | Dr Amit Dua | TEDxVIFT


Discover how programming principles revolutionized teaching methods for comprehensive learning.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🎓 Programming concepts, applied to teaching, can simplify lesson communication and improve student understanding.
  • 😨 Encouragement and fear of consequences can motivate students to actively engage in learning activities.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Clear objectives and predefined assessments are essential for effective teaching and improved student performance.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Utilizing AI tools can help educators track and enhance teaching effectiveness for better student outcomes.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Communicating the purpose of assessments and lessons can increase student engagement and motivation for learning.
  • 🥺 Structuring teaching methods like programming steps can lead to a more organized and effective learning experience.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Empathy, technology, and creativity together can enhance the teaching and learning process for both educators and students.


good morning everyone today I'm going to share my journey with you which helped me to improve my teaching even if you want to improve your teaching all of you may be your parents maybe you want to teach someone else I improved my teaching over a period of last seven years as a full-time educator as a researcher for over 10 years and a product desig... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can programming principles be applied to improve teaching methods?

Programming concepts like defining objectives, breaking down steps, and setting assessments beforehand can streamline teaching for better communication and student engagement.

Q: What role does encouragement play in motivating students to learn effectively?

Encouragement through positive affirmations, incentives, and setting clear expectations can boost student participation and performance in learning activities.

Q: How important is defining clear objectives before starting a course?

Setting clear objectives beforehand helps educators structure their teaching, define assessment criteria, and track student progress for effective learning outcomes.

Q: How can AI tools enhance teaching effectiveness for educators?

AI tools can assist educators in defining objectives, refining assessments, tracking student progress, and delivering content effectively to ensure an engaging and successful teaching experience.


In this video, the speaker shares their journey of improving their teaching skills over the past seven years. They discuss the correlation between programming and teaching, highlighting the importance of defining objectives and assessments beforehand, just like in programming. They also mention the role of AI tools in helping educators refine their teaching methods and track student progress in real time.

Questions & Answers

Q: How can programming be related to teaching?

Programming and teaching have a strong correlation. Just like programming involves breaking down a task into steps, teaching also requires breaking down concepts into manageable steps for students to understand and learn.

Q: Can you explain the process of programming?

Programming involves three basic steps: processing thoughts, coding, and testing. To program a robot to bring a glass of water, for example, we need to provide a series of algorithmic steps such as going to the kitchen, finding the glass, filling it with water, and bringing it back. These steps need to be communicated in a way that the robot can understand and then tested for effectiveness.

Q: How can these programming concepts be applied to teaching?

When teaching a course, it is important to provide students with a clear set of learning objectives and define the topics they will study. Assessments and evaluations should also be pre-planned to ensure students are meeting the stated objectives. By setting clear objectives and assessments, as well as providing encouragement and setting boundaries, teachers can create an environment that promotes effective learning.

Q: What types of encouragement can be given to students?

Encouragement can take various forms, such as appreciating students' efforts through positive affirmation, thanking them for their questions and participation, and providing incentives like extra marks or rewards. These encouragements motivate students to go beyond their comfort zones and engage in the learning process wholeheartedly.

Q: What role does discouragement play in learning?

Along with encouragement, there is also a need for some level of discouragement to steer students away from unproductive behaviors. This can include highlighting the potential negative consequences of not submitting assignments on time or engaging in malpractices. By setting fears and boundaries, educators ensure that students remain focused on their learning goals.

Q: Why are clear goals important in teaching?

Defining clear goals is crucial for effective teaching. Having predefined objectives for each course, module, or class allows both teachers and students to have a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved. It provides a benchmark for success and improves the alignment between teaching methods and assessment criteria.

Q: How does setting clear objectives improve teaching?

By setting clear objectives beforehand, teachers can ensure that they are providing the necessary guidance and resources for students to achieve those objectives. It allows for better evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods and learning outcomes. Teachers can adapt their approach based on the feedback they receive.

Q: Is there a way to simplify the process of setting objectives and assessments?

Yes, AI tools like Chat GPT media journey can assist educators in defining objectives, refining assessments, and tracking student progress. These tools can help automate certain aspects of the teaching process, allowing teachers to focus more on delivering high-quality content and addressing students' needs.

Q: How does teaching become similar to programming through these tools?

Just as programming involves analyzing the desired outcome and designing algorithms, these AI tools can help educators analyze the goals of their lessons and design corresponding objectives and assessments. It allows for a more systematic and structured approach to teaching, ensuring better results.

Q: How can teachers explain the purpose of assessments and modules to students?

It is important for teachers to communicate to students why certain assessments, modules, and examples are given. This provides clarity and purpose to the learning process, creating a higher level of participation and enthusiasm among students. By understanding the why behind their tasks, students are more likely to engage actively in their learning.


The speaker's journey of improving teaching skills emphasizes the importance of defining clear objectives, setting appropriate assessments, and using AI tools to enhance the teaching process. By treating teaching like programming, educators can ensure that their lessons are effective, engaging, and encourage students to actively participate in their own learning.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Programming concepts, such as processing thoughts, coding, and testing, can be applied to teaching for effective communication of lessons.

  • Encouragement through positive affirmations and fear of consequences can motivate students to actively engage in learning.

  • Setting clear objectives and predefined assessments beforehand enhances teaching success and student performance.

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