How to Make a Spaceship | Julian Guthrie | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 10, 2016
Talks at Google
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How to Make a Spaceship | Julian Guthrie | Talks at Google


This panel discussion highlights the incredible achievements of the Spaceship One team in winning the X Prize, showcasing the perseverance, risk-taking, and innovation required to make commercial space travel a reality.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍✈️ Mike Melville's flight on Spaceship One showcases the importance of experience and expertise in piloting experimental spacecraft.
  • 👾 The X Prize and its $10 million incentive inspired the Spaceship One team and future space explorers to push the boundaries of commercial space travel.
  • 😤 The challenges faced by the team, including building a rocket motor from scratch, demonstrate the importance of perseverance and problem-solving in achieving groundbreaking goals.


hello and welcome I'm Allison van digan I'm host of The Fresh dialogues interview series and I am delighted to present this outstanding panel of aviators entrepreneurs and writers in 2004 Mike Melville flew spaceship one beyond the edge of space it was the first commercial spaceship to ever do that I'm pleased to welcome Mike Melville now of course... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Mike Melville and his team train for spaceflight?

The team had their own simulator and spent hours practicing the flights, especially before powered flights. They also relied on their knowledge and experience gained from flying experimental aircraft.

Q: What was the most challenging aspect of building Spaceship One?

The rocket motor posed a significant challenge, as it had to be designed and built from scratch without government assistance. The team faced multiple setbacks and had to conduct numerous tests before achieving a safe and effective design.

Q: How did the X Prize inspire future space explorers?

The X Prize showed the power of incentive prizes in promoting innovation and galvanizing change. It inspired countless individuals, especially youth, to pursue careers in space exploration and technology.

Q: Were there any other concepts considered for commercial space travel besides Spaceship One?

While there were other ideas explored, such as launching from under the Proteus aircraft, the team ultimately focused on perfecting the feather reentry system, which was a critical innovation in making safe and efficient spaceflight possible.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mike Melville and his team flew Spaceship One beyond the edge of space, making it the first commercial spaceship to do so.

  • The X Prize, created by Peter Diamandis, offered a $10 million incentive for the first successful commercial spaceship flight without government funding.

  • The book "How to Make a Spaceship" by Julian Guthrie documents the incredible journey of the team behind Spaceship One and the challenges they faced in making history.

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