How To Live A Richer Life: Advice From A Banker | Tien Pham | TEDxĐaKao | Summary and Q&A

December 14, 2023
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How To Live A Richer Life: Advice From A Banker | Tien Pham | TEDxĐaKao


Financial freedom does not guarantee happiness; true wealth lies in relationships, lifestyle, and personal well-being.

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Key Insights

  • 🛟 Financial freedom alone does not guarantee happiness and fulfillment in life.
  • 🥺 Pursuing the illusion of wealth can lead to disappointment and regret when faced with challenging situations.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Happiness and richness should not be postponed for a future date or milestone; they should be prioritized and achieved in the present.
  • 👋 True wealth is found in healthy relationships, enjoyable lifestyles, and good physical and mental health.
  • 🤑 Society's focus on comparing wealth and intelligence can create feelings of inadequacy and prevent individuals from feeling truly rich and fulfilled.
  • 🛟 It is essential to determine what area of life one feels poor in before making any changes or pursuing financial goals.
  • 🫒 Social media can create an illusion of wealth and happiness, but it is important to pursue genuine richness and live a balanced life.


good afternoon everyone so let me start my my sharing by a simple question so who is this room want to be rich can you raise your hand not many as I expected but that's the dream right enough money so you don't have to work have enough money so you can shopy without looking at the price and enough money so you can eat whatever you want so I'm I'm h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the first individual, who achieved financial freedom, not feel happier?

The individual realized that financial freedom did not address the deep-rooted insecurities and emotional needs resulting from a familial hierarchy focused on comparing wealth and intelligence.

Q: What lesson can be learned from the second story?

The second story teaches the importance of seeking genuine wealth instead of chasing illusions. Pursuing materialistic dreams without considering long-term sustainability can lead to regret and unhappiness.

Q: Why do people continue to feel financially inadequate despite earning significant salaries?

Society's expectations and the constant comparison to others drive the feeling of inadequacy. Additionally, the pursuit of material wealth without considering personal values and overall happiness can lead to a never-ending sense of unfulfillment.

Q: How can one achieve richness and happiness now rather than waiting for a certain age or financial goal?

The speaker suggests focusing on the balance between relationships, lifestyle choices, and personal well-being. Wealth should not be defined solely by monetary value but by overall contentment and fulfillment.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The first story is about a financially free individual who realizes that money alone does not bring happiness and fulfillment in life.

  • The second story highlights the importance of pursuing true wealth rather than the illusion of wealth, as the latter can easily crumble in challenging times.

  • The third story focuses on the misconception of wealth and the constant pursuit of feeling rich, highlighting the need to prioritize happiness and fulfillment in the present moment.

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