How to Harvest Pecans (In Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 248 | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2020
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How to Harvest Pecans (In Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 248


A father and son duo explore the process of shaking pecan trees and harvesting and cracking the nuts.

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Key Insights

  • ❤️‍🩹 Pecan trees were initially planted as a punishment but ended up becoming a cherished part of the family's history.
  • 😒 There are various varieties of pecans, each with unique flavors and uses in baking.
  • 🤝 Shaking the trees from different angles may yield better results in terms of nut release.
  • 🪇 The mechanical shaker used is a complex system that is designed to securely grip and shake the trees without damaging them.
  • 🏋️ The weight of the nuts is visibly lifted from the branches during shaking.
  • 🤝 Mechanical vibration is crucial in the pecan shaking and cracking processes.
  • 🥥 The pecans go through a thorough cleaning and sorting process to remove debris and identify any damaged nuts.


  • Okay, this is good. I'm having a goggle up, that tells me that it's getting real. (ambient music) So this is my dad and this is his front porch. And what do you see from your front porch? - 18 pecan trees. - [Destin] And why are pecan trees important to our family? - Because that was a punishment that I had after I got caught hot roddin' my daddy... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did pecan trees become important to the family?

Pecan trees were planted as a punishment, but they ended up being cherished as a reminder of the father's mischievous past.

Q: How are pecan trees shaken to harvest the nuts?

A mechanical shaker is used, which tightly grips the tree trunk and violently shakes it, causing the pecans to fall.

Q: How are the harvested pecans cleaned?

The pecans are fed into a machine with rubber fingers that separate leaves and husks from the nuts. A blast of air blows away debris.

Q: What is the process for cracking the pecans?

The pecans are fed into a rotary cracker that uses air pressure to shatter the shells, ensuring consistency and preventing over-cracking.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The father shares a story of planting pecan trees as punishment and how they became important to the family.

  • The duo visits a local pecan farm to witness the shaking process, where trees are mechanically vibrated to release the nuts.

  • The harvested nuts are then cleaned, sorted, and cracked using specialized machinery.

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