How to Fix iPhone Battery Sudden Drops | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2022
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How to Fix iPhone Battery Sudden Drops


Learn how to recalibrate your iPhone's battery percentage for accurate readings, especially on older models.

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Key Insights

  • 🔋 iPhone batteries can experience accuracy issues with the battery percentage over time.
  • 🔋 Recalibrating the battery can help fix inaccurate readings, but it is not recommended for regular battery maintenance.
  • ❓ Newer iPhones have an automatic recalibration feature that triggers when connected to a charger.
  • 🥶 Older iPhones require a manual recalibration process of letting the battery die, charging it fully, and performing a hard reset.
  • 🔋 Recalibrating does not restore the battery's max capacity; it only improves the accuracy of the battery percentage display.
  • 🔋 Sudden drops in the battery percentage occur when the iPhone's battery percentage readout is inaccurate.
  • 😚 Lithium-ion batteries have a shelf life and lose their max health as they are used more.


if you have an older iphone there's a good chance that your iphone's battery percentage is not accurate a lot of times when that happens your battery will drop suddenly so it may go from 20 to zero or 40 to 20 percent and the reason for that is the built-in battery on your iphone the lithium-ion battery has a shelf life so as you use it more and mo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does my iPhone's battery percentage drop suddenly?

The built-in battery on your iPhone, specifically lithium-ion batteries, can lose accuracy over time, resulting in sudden drops in the battery percentage.

Q: How do I recalibrate my iPhone's battery?

On newer iPhones (11, 12, 13), simply plug your iPhone into a charger while on the battery health page in the settings app to trigger automatic recalibration. On older iPhones, you need to let the battery die, charge it fully, and perform a hard reset.

Q: Is it recommended to let my iPhone's battery die?

Letting your iPhone's battery die is generally not recommended for maintaining battery health. It is only suggested as a procedure to recalibrate the battery percentage in cases of inaccuracy.

Q: Will recalibrating the battery change my iPhone's max capacity?

No, recalibrating the battery will not change the max capacity. The max capacity is determined by the battery's health and cannot be restored fully. Recalibration only fixes the inaccurate battery percentage readings.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • iPhone batteries can lose accuracy over time, leading to sudden drops in the battery percentage.

  • Recalibrating the battery can help fix inaccurate readings.

  • Newer iPhones have an automatic recalibration feature, while older models require a manual process of letting the battery die, charging it fully, and performing a hard reset.

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