How to become Wealthy by Investing like the 1% | Investing for Beginners | Summary and Q&A

November 9, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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How to become Wealthy by Investing like the 1% | Investing for Beginners


Over 2,500 wealthy individuals with an average net worth of $7.6 million revealed their investment strategies, showing that the rich primarily invest in their own businesses, bonds, and cash rather than stocks.

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Key Insights

  • 🙃 The wealthy prioritize investing in their own businesses and start-ups, rather than relying solely on stock market investments.
  • 🤑 Bonds and cash play a significant role in the rich's investment portfolios, providing stability and liquidity during economic downturns.
  • 🤑 Real estate is a favored alternative investment for the rich, offering protection against inflation and generating steady cash flows.
  • 🤗 Equity crowdfunding has opened up opportunities for Main Street investors to participate in start-up investments.
  • ✋ Investing in a mix of broad exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and individual stocks can be a prudent investment strategy, combining diversification with the potential for higher returns.
  • 🤑 The rich understand the importance of balancing risk in their investment portfolios, allocating different percentages to various asset classes based on their own personal needs and circumstances.
  • 🙇 Starting a business no longer requires a large upfront investment, thanks to the internet revolution, making entrepreneurship more accessible to individuals on a budget.


over 2,500 people with an average net worth over seven and a half million just revealed how they invest their money and the answer is gonna shock you by the end of this video you'll know the secret to how the rich invest how you can get started and how much you'll make we're talking how the rich and best to get rich today on let's talk money beat d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do the rich invest less in stocks and more in their own businesses?

The rich prioritize managing risk by investing in their own businesses, which allows them to have control over their financial future and potentially earn higher returns. Additionally, owning a business offers the potential for consistent cash flow and wealth creation.

Q: What are some examples of alternative investments favored by the rich?

Alternative investments such as real estate, hedge funds, and private equity are favored by the rich. These investments offer diversification and the potential for higher returns, albeit with higher fees and less liquidity compared to traditional stocks and bonds.

Q: How can individuals without a lot of money get started in real estate investing?

Real estate investing can be accessible to individuals with limited funds through strategies such as house hacking, partnering with other investors, or using creative financing options. Starting small and gradually growing their real estate portfolio is a viable approach for those with limited resources.

Q: How can individuals invest in start-up companies?

With the advent of equity crowdfunding platforms, Main Street investors now have the opportunity to invest in start-up companies. These platforms act as intermediaries, connecting investors with early-stage companies seeking funding. Equity crowdfunding allows individuals to tap into the high potential returns typically associated with investing in start-ups.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A survey of over 2,500 wealthy individuals with an average net worth of $7.6 million revealed that the rich invest less in stocks and more in their own businesses, bonds, and cash.

  • The rich focus on managing risk by investing in their own businesses and startup companies, allocating less than 20% of their wealth to stocks.

  • Bonds and cash make up a substantial portion of the rich's investment portfolio, providing stability during economic downturns and supporting their businesses.

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