How to Always Add Value - The G&E Show | Summary and Q&A

May 9, 2018
Grant Cardone
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How to Always Add Value - The G&E Show


Grant and Elena Cardone discuss the challenges of being married entrepreneurs and share tips on adding value to relationships.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ Balancing marriage and entrepreneurship is challenging but worth it when done right.
  • 🎭 Adding value to relationships involves supporting, caring, and not creating unnecessary drama.
  • 🈺 Open communication and time management are essential for managing the responsibilities of both marriage and business.
  • 👯 Surrounding oneself with people who add value and bring positivity to the relationship contributes to its success.


[Applause] being married so an entrepreneur is hard work but it's worth it when it works you got your hands full every day like I do you got kids you got him you know a marriage that you're trying to work your business it you're trying to make work and finding time for the kids and keeping it spontaneous part I was good last night nobody teaches yo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do Grant and Elena Cardone manage the challenges of being married entrepreneurs?

Grant and Elena face the challenges head-on, recognizing the need to balance their business and personal lives, constantly communicate, and make time for their children.

Q: How do Grant and Elena add value to their relationship?

Grant adds value by providing for his family and taking care of their needs, while Elena adds value by not creating drama and supporting Grant in his ventures.

Q: What insights can be gained from Grant and Elena Cardone's discussion about relationships and entrepreneurship?

  1. Balancing marriage and business requires open communication and a willingness to make time for each other and the family.

  2. Adding value to relationships involves supporting each other, not creating unnecessary drama, and surrounding oneself with people who also add value.

  3. Grant and Elena emphasize the importance of constantly bringing something new and valuable to the relationship, whether in business or personal life.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grant and Elena Cardone talk about the difficulties of balancing marriage, entrepreneurship, and parenting, emphasizing the importance of adding value to all aspects of life.

  • They discuss the incident where Grant took his pants off at a golf course, clarifying that it was just swim trunks, and use it as an example of misunderstanding and miscommunication.

  • The couple shares their thoughts on always adding value to relationships, emphasizing the need to bring something new and continuously support and care for one another.

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