How the Robo Advisor Revolution is Changing Investing πŸ€– | Summary and Q&A

April 25, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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How the Robo Advisor Revolution is Changing Investing πŸ€–


Robo advisors, computer programs that efficiently manage investments based on user parameters, offer low fees and personalized portfolios.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ€– Robo advisors are growing in popularity and evolving to provide additional services such as education, planning, and assistance with various financial decisions.
  • 😘 The fees charged by Robo advisors are generally lower compared to traditional financial advisors, offering cost advantages to investors.
  • πŸ’„ Some Robo advisors offer access to certified financial planners, making it easier for investors to receive professional guidance.
  • ❓ A potential disadvantage of Robo advisors is the limited choice of investment options, which may not be suitable for all investors.
  • πŸ“Ό Moving funds to a Robo advisor platform may incur capital gains taxes for investors with significant assets already in traditional investment accounts.
  • 😘 While Robo advisors may not be suitable for all investors, they provide an efficient and low-cost option for many individuals seeking investment management.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ It is essential for investors to thoroughly research and compare different Robo advisor options to find the one that aligns with their specific needs and preferences.


hey Joseph hog here with another video on the let's talk money YouTube channel I want to welcome all our subscribers and thank you for taking a part of your day to be here today's video is the tenth in our money expert interview series and what I'm really excited to bring you you know I meet a lot of financial bloggers at an annual conference I att... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are Robo advisors and why should we not be scared of them?

Robo advisors are computer programs designed to efficiently manage investments based on user preferences. They are not robots, but rather tools that offer low fees and personalized portfolios.

Q: How do Robo advisors help investors choose the right stock-bond mix?

By answering a series of questions, Robo advisors can assess an investor's risk tolerance and goals to determine the appropriate stock-bond allocation for their portfolio.

Q: What are the advantages of using Robo advisors over traditional financial advisors?

Robo advisors often have lower fees compared to traditional advisors and offer quick and easy access to investment management. They can be especially beneficial for investors with less capital or difficulty obtaining a financial advisor's attention.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to using Robo advisors?

Robo advisors may limit investment choices and require the transfer of funds. More sophisticated investors may find the limited options unsuitable for their needs. Additionally, moving funds to a Robo advisor platform may result in incurring capital gains taxes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Barbara Friedberg, an expert in personal finance and investing, discusses the rise of Robo advisors in the investment industry.

  • Robo advisors are not robots, but smart computer programs that manage investments according to user preferences, such as risk tolerance and goals.

  • These advisors offer advantages such as low fees, access to certified financial planners, and the ability to make investment changes at any time. However, they may have limited investment choices and require the transfer of funds.

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