How Set Up Your OpenAI Store | Publish Your First GPT and Getting Verified as a Builder. | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Wes Roth
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How Set Up Your OpenAI Store | Publish Your First GPT and Getting Verified as a Builder.


Learn how to prepare for the launch of the OpenAI GPT Store, where you can create and sell AI applications without coding knowledge.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍💻 The OpenAI GPT Store offers a revolutionary opportunity for users to create and sell AI applications without coding knowledge.
  • 🧑‍💻 Early movers in the GPT Store could have a significant advantage, similar to early adopters in other tech revolutions.
  • 🥺 Building a reputation as a builder and focusing on a specific niche can lead to success in the GPT Store.
  • 👤 Users should reserve their Builder profile and start creating GPTs to prepare for the store's launch.
  • 🤕 The payment structure and exact workings of the GPT Store are still uncertain, but users should move quickly to gain a head start.
  • 🤔 Users should think long-term, provide value to customers, and focus on creating a suite of products that complement each other.
  • 😮 Over time, the GPT Store may become more regulated and competitive, making it harder for new users to rise to the top.


so as we've talked about before openi is introducing gpts and a GPT Store the store is going to have Revenue share and what that means is that you can take the currently the world's greatest AI you know as far as we know create applications for it that don't require any coding knowledge whatsoever and then you get to sell those things and they'll g... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can developers with no coding knowledge create AI applications for the GPT Store?

OpenAI's GPT Store allows developers without coding knowledge to create and sell AI applications by leveraging the power of GPTs.

Q: How can users earn money from their GPTs?

Users can earn money based on the usage of their GPTs in the OpenAI GPT Store. The exact payment structure is still unclear, but it could be based on downloads or usage of tokens.

Q: What are the categories available in the GPT Store?

The GPT Store features categories such as productivity, education, entertainment, and more. Developers are encouraged to create GPTs that cater to specific niches within these categories.

Q: How can users get started and build their reputation as a builder in the GPT Store?

Users should reserve their Builder profile in the GPT Store and start creating and publishing GPTs that align with their expertise. Building a portfolio of products and focusing on a specific niche can help users establish a reputation as a builder.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • OpenAI is introducing the GPT Store, which allows users to create and sell AI applications without coding knowledge.

  • The store will feature a variety of categories, including productivity, education, and entertainment.

  • Users can earn money based on the usage of their GPTs and are encouraged to build a portfolio of products in their niche.

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