How Samsung Phones are "Faking" their Photos. | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
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How Samsung Phones are "Faking" their Photos.


Samsung's phones are using AI to enhance moon photos, adding extra detail and texture to create impressive zoom capabilities.

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Key Insights

  • ๐ŸŽ‘ Samsung's AI scene Optimizer mode enhances moon photos by adding craters and textures, creating impressive zoom capabilities.
  • ๐Ÿ˜Œ The controversy lies in Samsung's marketing of the moon zoom feature as a camera capability, potentially misleading consumers.
  • ๐Ÿ˜’ Smartphone cameras already use software to enhance images, and the moon zoom feature is just another form of this image manipulation.
  • ๐Ÿฅฎ Despite concerns about authenticity, the enhanced moon photos may capture memories more closely aligned with human perception.
  • ๐Ÿคจ The debate raises questions about the definition of a genuine photo and the ethical implications of AI manipulation.
  • ๐Ÿฅฎ Samsung's AI training for moon photos is based on hundreds of thousands of real moon images to recognize patterns and details.
  • ๐Ÿฅฎ The moon zoom feature has monopolized the market for moon photos, thanks to Samsung's marketing efforts.


Samsung have been advertising their phones as having up to 100 times space zoom capabilities for years now you can actually pick up a Samsung phone Zoom a ridiculous amount of times into the moon take the shot and still end up with the result that's somehow crisper than a 5 000 professional camera setup could take it's very impressive but the inter... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the Reddit user discover Samsung's AI manipulation of moon photos?

The user downloaded a high-resolution moon photo, downscaled and blurred it to create a blurry image, and then tested the Samsung phone's AI scene Optimizer mode to see if it added in detail. The results confirmed the AI's manipulation.

Q: Did the author's tests confirm Samsung's AI manipulation of moon photos?

Yes, the author conducted tests using various moon photos, including a photo of the moon on a screen and a heavily edited image, and found that the Samsung phone consistently recognized and enhanced the moon details, showcasing the AI's ability to identify and enhance moon features.

Q: Why are people concerned about Samsung's moon zoom feature?

There are two main concerns. One is the issue of whether a photo should be considered genuine if AI is adding or manipulating details. The other concern is that Samsung marketed the moon zoom as a camera feature, leading to comparisons with other phones and potentially misleading consumers about the overall camera capabilities.

Q: Why does the author believe Samsung's AI manipulation is not a scandal?

The author argues that smartphone cameras already use software to enhance various aspects of photos, and the moon zoom feature is just another example of this. While Samsung could have been clearer about the feature's AI manipulation, the end result of capturing a more memorable and authentic moon photo may outweigh concerns about authenticity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A Reddit user discovered that Samsung's supposed AI scene Optimizer mode is not just sharpening up moon photos but actually adding in craters and textures.

  • The author conducted several tests and found that the Samsung phone recognized and enhanced moon photos even when the original image was blurry or downscaled, proving the AI's ability to identify and enhance moon details.

  • The controversy arises from Samsung marketing the moon zoom feature as a camera capability, leading to accusations of deceptive advertising.

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