How does a whip break the sound barrier? (Slow Motion Shockwave formation) - Smarter Every Day 207 | Summary and Q&A

December 28, 2018
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How does a whip break the sound barrier? (Slow Motion Shockwave formation) - Smarter Every Day 207


This video explores the science behind how whips break the sound barrier and uncovers new insights through experiments and high-speed cameras.

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Key Insights

  • 🍘 The crack of a whip occurs before it is fully extended, contrary to popular belief.
  • 💁 The schlieren technique is a valuable tool for visualizing and studying the shockwave formation in whips.
  • 🐎 Whips utilize the conservation of momentum, which causes the smaller sections to speed up as they unroll and maintain their momentum.
  • 👻 The researchers' experiment and analysis provide new insights and allow for the development of equations to describe whip dynamics.
  • 💋 Fluid dynamics, particularly the no-slip boundary condition, plays a vital role in the mechanics of whips.
  • 👶 Previous research has explored whip shockwaves both experimentally and theoretically, but this study offers new discoveries and advancements in understanding.
  • 🌍 The researchers' findings have real-world applications and can be relevant for everyday scenarios involving whip-like motions.


(whooshing) (smacking) - What's up, I'm Destin, this is Smarter Every Day. This is the tip of a bull whip and that crack you hear is this breaking the sound barrier. My question is why or how? Like, if you think about it, your arm's never leaving your body and something's going faster than the speed of sound in just a few hundred milliseconds and o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does a whip break the sound barrier?

The crack of a whip occurs before the whip is fully extended. As the whip unrolls, the movement creates a shockwave that travels down the whip and breaks the sound barrier.

Q: What is the role of fluid dynamics in whip mechanics?

Fluid dynamics, specifically the no-slip boundary condition, explains how air molecules stay close to the whip's surface as it moves. This plays a crucial role in generating the shockwave.

Q: What technique did the researchers use to capture the whip in motion?

The researchers employed the schlieren technique, which involves a point-light source and a parabolic mirror to visualize the shockwave formation and capture it on camera.

Q: What did the researchers discover about the whip's acceleration?

The whip accelerates just before breaking the sound barrier due to the collapse and convergence of its strands. This revelation marks a significant finding in understanding whip dynamics.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video investigates the question of how whips can break the sound barrier in just a few hundred milliseconds.

  • The researchers utilize high-speed cameras and the schlieren technique to capture and analyze the whip's motion and shockwave formation.

  • They discover that the crack of the whip happens before it is fully extended and identify a mechanism that accelerates the whip just before it breaks the sound barrier.

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