Hire SLOW, Fire FAST | Kris Cordle | The Knowledge Project #99 | Summary and Q&A

December 22, 2020
The Knowledge Project Podcast
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Hire SLOW, Fire FAST | Kris Cordle | The Knowledge Project #99


Growing up in a strict religious environment turned cult, Chris shares her journey of breaking free, rediscovering herself, and embracing adaptive leadership.

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Key Insights

  • 💗 Growing up in a cult-like religious environment shaped Chris' worldview and helped her develop values such as humility, compassion, and empathy.
  • 💨 Breaking away from the cult forced Chris to rebuild her belief system and discover her own purpose in life.
  • 🙊 Chris' journey of self-discovery and adaptation has contributed to her leadership style, emphasizing servant leadership and the ability to speak truth to power.
  • ↩ī¸ Delegation, constant learning, and the ability to turn off distractions are crucial elements for personal and professional success.
  • đŸ’¯ Scaling a company requires hiring and firing decisions, maintaining focus on core goals, and adapting to new circumstances.
  • đŸĨŗ Leaders must balance their involvement in day-to-day operations with a broader perspective and a focus on long-term strategy.
  • 🛝 Recognizing the limitations of one's own narrative and staying grounded are essential for effective leadership.


chris welcome to the show i'm so glad to have you thank you glad to be here you grew up in an extremely religious environment like a very closed system you might even call it a cult how has that influenced how you see the world well to start off let me explain what that was like and uh cults are very big these days lots of tv shows about them so yo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did growing up in a religious cult influence Chris' worldview?

Growing up in a religious cult shaped Chris' perspective and instilled values of humility, compassion, and empathy. It also restricted her personal freedom and limited her exposure to the outside world.

Q: What were the challenges Chris faced when breaking away from the cult?

Breaking away from the cult meant leaving behind everything she had ever known. It involved a complete change in belief systems, starting from ground zero, and questioning her purpose in life.

Q: How did Chris' experience of breaking away from the cult impact her leadership style?

Breakin away from the cult taught Chris about adaptability and the ability to change and grow. This understanding influenced her leadership style, allowing her to speak truth to power and embrace servant leadership, compassion, and empathy.

Q: What are some key values and qualities that Chris learned from her religious upbringing?

Chris learned the importance of humility, compassion, empathy, and servant leadership from her religious upbringing. These qualities play a significant role in her leadership style and daily interactions with others.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Chris grew up in an isolated religious community that restricted interactions with the outside world and limited personal freedom.

  • Breaking away from the community forced her to question her purpose in life and rebuild her belief system from scratch.

  • Through her personal journey, Chris learned valuable lessons in humility, compassion, servant leadership, and adapting to new environments.

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