Hello Sunshine Execs on the Future of Entertainment with Guy Raz | How I Built This | NPR | Summary and Q&A

July 28, 2020
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Hello Sunshine Execs on the Future of Entertainment with Guy Raz | How I Built This | NPR

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In this video, Lauren Neustadter and Sarah Harden, who run the production studio Hello Sunshine, discuss the impact of the pandemic on their business and the entertainment industry as a whole. They talk about the challenges they faced, the changes they made, and the future of their projects.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about Hello Sunshine?

Hello Sunshine is a production company founded with the mission of putting women at the center of stories. They focus on telling female-driven narratives and have worked on shows like Big Little Lies, The Morning Show, and Little Fires Everywhere.

Q: How has the pandemic affected Hello Sunshine as a business?

The pandemic has caused a pause in their production activities. They had to halt the shooting of several shows and movies. However, this pause has allowed them to focus on internal and external connections and take the time to build out their development slate.

Q: Are there any plans to finish shooting Season 2 of The Morning Show?

The shooting of Season 2 of The Morning Show is still in progress and they are actively working with health and safety experts to figure out the best protocols and precautions to ensure a safe production process. They are exploring innovative ways to reduce risk and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Q: Is there a possibility of creating a production bubble for the cast and crew?

While they are not considering a bubble like the NBA's approach, they are aiming to create safe working environments by implementing strict health and safety protocols. They are dividing the sets into zones and reducing the number of people present to minimize the risk of infection.

Q: Is there a concern about a shortage of new TV shows in the future due to production delays?

There is a possibility of a shortage of new TV shows if productions continue to face delays. However, the availability of content will vary depending on how much each company has in post-production and their release schedules.

Q: How does Hello Sunshine select projects and work with different partners?

Hello Sunshine starts by finding material that they feel passionate about, such as books or articles. They then assemble a team of writers and actors to put together a package for the project and approach various platforms and studios. They choose partners who share their vision and enthusiasm for the material.

Q: How has the pandemic influenced the company's strategy for selecting projects?

The increased consumption of content during the pandemic has not significantly changed Hello Sunshine's approach to project selection. They still prioritize finding great stories and voices to elevate, while being intentional and thoughtful in their choices to meet the demands and time constraints of audiences.

Q: What is the current state of women-driven narratives in Hollywood?

According to Lauren Neustadter, it is a great time to be a woman in Hollywood. Telling stories about women and promoting representation and inclusion have become focal points in the entertainment industry. There is a spirit of collaboration and empowerment among women, and the industry is evolving positively in terms of recognizing and celebrating female-driven narratives.

Q: How do you plan for the possibility that the pandemic could significantly slow down or prevent new productions from being filmed?

Hello Sunshine understands the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of their employees and collaborators. While they want to resume production, they prioritize the health and safety of everyone involved. They have built different streams of business, allowing them to continue working on certain aspects even with production delays.

Q: What lessons have you learned during this time that you would like to carry forward in your business?

Hello Sunshine appreciates the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with their team and partners during this time. Slowing down and becoming more curious has yielded great results and allowed them to ask important questions. They want to maintain this humanity, curiosity, and thoughtfulness even as things return to normal after the pandemic.


The pandemic has greatly impacted the entertainment industry, leading to the pause of productions. Hello Sunshine has used this time to focus on internal and external connections, building out their development slate. While they have paused production, they are actively working on protocols for safe filming. They prioritize the health and safety of their employees and are exploring ways to reduce risk, but a return to normalcy may take time. Despite the challenges, it is an exciting time for women-driven narratives in Hollywood, with increased collaboration and recognition. Hello Sunshine plans to carry forward the lessons of humanity, curiosity, and thoughtfulness they learned during this time.

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