Dallas Mavs CEO on Changing the Culture of Sports | How I Built This with Guy Raz | Summary and Q&A

October 6, 2020
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Dallas Mavs CEO on Changing the Culture of Sports | How I Built This with Guy Raz

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In this video interview, Guy Raz speaks with Cynt Marshall, the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks, about her experience leading the NBA team through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and addressing issues of diversity and inclusion within the organization. Marshall shares insights on her role as CEO, the changes she implemented, and the importance of authenticity and empathy in leadership. She also discusses the impact of the pandemic on the business side of the NBA and the future of professional sports.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the role of a CEO of an NBA team?

As the CEO of an NBA team, the role involves managing the business side of the organization, including ticket sales, operations, marketing, sponsorships, and player relations. The CEO oversees the day-to-day operations and works closely with the owner, general manager, and head coach.

Q: How did Cynt Marshall become the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks?

Cynt Marshall started her career in the corporate world, working for AT&T for 36 years. After retiring, she started her own consulting firm specializing in leadership, diversity, and inclusion. In 2018, she received a call from Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who had read about her work and asked her to lead a cultural transformation within the organization.

Q: What challenges did Cynt Marshall face when she became the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks?

One of the biggest challenges Cynt Marshall faced was addressing the issues of sexism and a lack of diversity within the organization. She had to implement a cultural transformation while dealing with the consequences of past misconduct. Additionally, she had to build trust and support among the employees, many of whom were skeptical of change.

Q: How did Cynt Marshall bring about cultural change within the organization?

Cynt Marshall developed a 100-day plan that focused on four main areas: modeling zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior, developing a women's agenda, implementing a diversity and inclusion strategy, and improving operational effectiveness. She prioritized open communication, transparency, and empathy to create a safe and inclusive environment. She also made leadership changes and empowered employees to be part of the solution.

Q: Did the Dallas Mavericks become more diverse and inclusive under Cynt Marshall's leadership?

Yes, under Cynt Marshall's leadership, the Dallas Mavericks became more diverse and inclusive. They set a vision to become the NBA standard for diversity and inclusion by 2019 and won the NBA's Diversity and Inclusion award. The organization increased the representation of women in leadership positions and people of color. They also focused on creating a sense of belonging and equity within the organization.

Q: How did Cynt Marshall's consulting background contribute to her leadership at the Dallas Mavericks?

Cynt Marshall's consulting background in leadership, diversity, and inclusion gave her the knowledge and skills to address the challenges within the organization. Her experience in cultural transformation and HR work at AT&T equipped her with the necessary tools to drive change and create an inclusive environment.

Q: Did Cynt Marshall have any prior experience or interest in the NBA before becoming the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks?

Cynt Marshall was a basketball fan and had prior knowledge of the NBA. However, her expertise was in leadership and diversity, rather than the sports industry. Her passion for leadership and her willingness to make a difference in the cultural transformation of the organization led her to embrace the role of CEO.

Q: How did Cynt Marshall establish open communication and empathy within the organization?

Cynt Marshall prioritized one-on-one conversations with each employee, asking them to share their life stories and aspirations. This approach allowed her to understand the perspectives and struggles of the employees, fostering empathy and trust. She also encouraged authenticity and created a safe space for individuals to bring their whole selves to work.

Q: What advice does Cynt Marshall have for minorities and women in leading conversations around diversity and inclusion?

Cynt Marshall advises minorities and women to be bold and take the initiative in leading conversations around diversity and inclusion, even if they are not in official leadership roles. She encourages individuals to speak up, form employee resource groups, and engage with leaders to address these important issues. It is essential to push for change and create a culture where everyone's voices are heard.

Q: What were the hardest parts of implementing cultural changes within the organization?

The hardest part for Cynt Marshall was trying to institutionalize a new culture while simultaneously dealing with the purging of the old culture. She had to address resistance, as some individuals were not ready to embrace the changes and were even actively opposed to her leadership. However, she remained committed to the vision and persevered in building a culture of authenticity and respect.

Q: Will professional sports return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic?

Cynt Marshall is optimistic that professional sports will slowly return to normalcy once it is safe to do so. While the pandemic has significantly impacted the revenue streams of professional sports, she believes that the industry will rebound. The focus on safety and the development of a vaccine will play a crucial role in determining the timeline for the return of fans and the resumption of normal operations.


Cynt Marshall's leadership at the Dallas Mavericks demonstrates the power of authenticity, empathy, and transparency in driving cultural change. By prioritizing diversity, inclusion, and safety, she transformed the organization and created a sense of belonging for employees. Open communication and listening to employees' stories fostered empathy and understanding. Through these efforts, the Dallas Mavericks became a more diverse and inclusive organization. While the COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges for professional sports, optimism remains for a return to normalcy as safety measures and vaccine development progress.

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