Grow On YouTube - (Audience Growth Pro Tips) | Summary and Q&A

February 15, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Grow On YouTube - (Audience Growth Pro Tips)


Steve Dotto shares his strategies for success on YouTube, focusing on engagement, honoring the audience, and delivering content with integrity.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Engagement and conversations with the audience are crucial for success on YouTube.
  • ❓ Treating the audience as a community fosters trust and loyalty.
  • 🤩 Honoring the audience's time by providing valuable content is a key aspect of building a successful channel.
  • 🚚 Delivering content with integrity and staying true to principles attracts a dedicated and engaged audience.
  • 🥺 Adapting strategies from other successful marketers to YouTube can lead to growth and stability.
  • 👂 Listening to the community and addressing their questions and concerns drives the creation of relevant and valuable content.
  • 👻 Reactivity to the audience's needs allows for the creation of timely and engaging content.


  • This guy has 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. His name is Steve Dotto. We're gonna talk about how he did it. And we're starting right now. ♪ This is how we did it. And waiting' on me. ♪ - What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Steve Dotto translate the success of social media marketing to YouTube?

Steve followed the strategies used by successful marketers on platforms like Instagram and Facebook and adapted them to YouTube. He focused on engagement and conversations with his audience.

Q: What was the key factor that established Steve Dotto's success on YouTube?

Steve believes that his success on YouTube is attributed to treating his viewers as a community and using their feedback to shape his content. He listened to their comments, answered every question, and adjusted his content based on their needs.

Q: What role does integrity play in Steve Dotto's approach to content creation?

Steve emphasizes delivering content with integrity and avoiding unethical practices. He believes in staying true to his principles and respecting his audience, which has contributed to his reputation and growth on the platform.

Q: How does Steve Dotto decide what content to upload to his YouTube channel?

Steve's content decisions are mostly driven by his community. He pays attention to their questions and responds with videos that address their needs. He also takes advantage of new launches and seasonal opportunities to provide timely and relevant content.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Steve Dotto, with 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, shares his journey to success and the lessons he has learned.

  • He emphasizes the importance of engagement with the audience and treating them as a community.

  • Steve focuses on understanding the needs of his viewers and delivering valuable content that addresses their questions and concerns.

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