GPT-4.5 Leaks (some fake) Plus OpenAI on AI Safety | Summary and Q&A

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GPT-4.5 Leaks (some fake) Plus OpenAI on AI Safety


Speculations surround the release of GPT 4.5 by OpenAI, while the company makes announcements about a new AI startup fund and a research paper on AI alignment.

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Key Insights

  • 💖 GPT 4.5 release rumors have sparked speculation, but the credibility of a screenshot suggesting its release is questionable.
  • 🙈 Google's launch of Gemini is seen as a response to the potential impact of GPT 4.5.
  • 📢 OpenAI has announced the Converge 2 startup fund for AI companies, highlighting its commitment to supporting AI innovation.
  • 👨‍🔬 OpenAI's research paper on AI alignment addresses the challenge of supervising superhuman AI models and ensuring safety and benefit to humanity.
  • 🥺 The rapid progress in AI development has led to concerns about superhuman models' potential misalignment and misuse.
  • ❓ OpenAI believes progress in studying superhuman model alignment is now more achievable than ever before.
  • 🎮 The alignment of AI systems with human values and control is crucial to avoid potential risks and harmful consequences.


so you might have heard that everyone is expecting opening eye to drop something big this week maybe today and of course on this day this comes out this is a screenshot that seems to apply that GPT 4.5 is ready to be released now I think there's less than a 50% chance that this screenshot is real I would not bet money on this being real but there h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is there any credibility to the rumors of GPT 4.5 being released in December?

While there is speculation, it is unlikely that the screenshot circulating is genuine. The concerns stem from Twitter leakers who have accurately predicted OpenAI events in the past.

Q: Why did Google launch Gemini ahead of time?

The rumor suggests that Google launched Gemini preemptively to strengthen its position before the release of GPT 4.5.

Q: What has OpenAI announced recently?

OpenAI has announced the launch of Converge 2, a startup fund for AI companies. They have also released a research paper on a new direction for AI alignment, aimed at controlling superhuman AI systems.

Q: What is the purpose of the research paper on AI alignment?

The paper explores the challenge of aligning weak human supervisors with significantly stronger AI models. OpenAI aims to establish high reliability in aligning superhuman AI systems to ensure their safety and benefit to humanity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Speculations are circulating about the potential release of GPT 4.5 by OpenAI, with Twitter leakers suggesting an end-of-December launch.

  • Rumors also suggest that Google launched Gemini early to counter the impact of GPT 4.5.

  • OpenAI announces the launch of Converge 2, a startup fund for AI companies, and introduces a new research direction for AI alignment in a published paper.

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