Gordon Chambers | Songwriting Medley | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 26, 2013
Talks at Google
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Gordon Chambers | Songwriting Medley | Talks at Google


Singer Gordon Chambers pays tribute to his mentors and loved ones through a heartfelt musical performance.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Gordon Chambers acknowledges that it is the audience's support that propels songs to success.
  • 💝 The late Phyllis Hyman and Whitney Houston served as influential mentors for Chambers throughout his career.
  • 💝 Chambers highlights the impact of family, dedicating his performance to his late Aunt Barbara Powell.
  • 🖐️ The tribute emphasizes the crucial role that mentors play in an artist's growth and development.
  • 🧑‍🎨 Chambers showcases his versatility as an artist by adding his individual touch to his own compositions.
  • 👏 The audience's applause signifies their appreciation and connection to the tribute.
  • 🧑‍🎨 The emotional and heartfelt performance demonstrates the bond that music can create between artists and their audience.


[APPLAUSE] [MUSIC - GORDON CHAMBERS, SONGWRITING MEDLEY"] GORDON CHAMBERS: So I am the common denominator of all those songs. But it's music lovers like you that made them all number ones. So right now, I'm going to do a song. On every album, I cover something that I've written in my own special way. Tonight this one goes out to a dedication to two... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of Phyllis Hyman and Whitney Houston to Gordon Chambers?

Phyllis Hyman and Whitney Houston were both mentors to Gordon Chambers. They provided guidance and support, with Houston even encouraging Chambers to pursue a solo career as an artist.

Q: How does Gordon Chambers show appreciation for his supporters?

Chambers acknowledges that it is the music lovers, like his audience, who made his songs successful. Their support and appreciation for his work are crucial to his achievements.

Q: Who is Barbara Powell, and why is she important to Gordon Chambers?

Barbara Powell was a beloved figure in Chambers' family and recently passed away. He pays tribute to her, emphasizing the significance of family and the impact his aunt had on his life.

Q: What does Gordon Chambers perform during the tribute?

Chambers performs a song that he wrote, which holds meaning for him. It represents his personal and unique interpretation of his own work as a songwriter.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gordon Chambers expresses gratitude to his supporters and acknowledges their role in his success as a songwriter.

  • He dedicates a song to his late mentors, Phyllis Hyman and Whitney Houston, who had a significant impact on his career.

  • Chambers also honors his recently departed Aunt Barbara Powell, highlighting the importance of family.

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