Google's AI Plays Football…For Science! ⚽️ | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2019
Two Minute Papers
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Google's AI Plays Football…For Science! ⚽️


Researchers have created a physics-based 3D football simulation where AI agents can be trained to control players, and DeepMind's Impala algorithm has shown impressive performance against handcrafted teams.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Reinforcement learning enables AI agents to excel in tasks such as playing Atari games, controlling drones, robot arms, and self-driving cars.
  • 🤩 DeepMind's behavior suite measures the performance of reinforcement learning algorithms across key capabilities, including adaptability, memorization, exploration, and scalability.
  • 🍉 Google Brain's research team has created a challenging 3D football simulation that requires a balance between short-term control tasks and long-term strategic planning.
  • 😤 DeepMind's Impala algorithm outperforms other algorithms in the simulation, demonstrating its ability to defeat handcrafted teams after extensive training.
  • 👾 The ability to train AI agents from pixels or the internal game state offers flexibility in perception and decision-making methods.
  • 😤 OpenAI's DOTA2 team has successfully learned from the internal game state, showing that this approach can yield remarkable results.
  • 👻 The availability of source code for the project allows researchers to train and test their own reinforcement learning algorithms in the football simulation.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Reinforcement learning is an important subfield within machine learning research where we teach an agent to choose a set of actions in an environment to maximize a score. This enables these AIs to play Atari games at a superhuman level, control drones, robot arms, or even cr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is reinforcement learning?

Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on training an agent to make optimal decisions in an environment to maximize a certain score.

Q: How does DeepMind's Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm work?

DeepMind's algorithm trains a neural network to understand the events happening on the screen and passes this information to a reinforcement learner responsible for strategic gameplay decisions.

Q: What is the difference between training from pixels and training from the internal game state?

Training from pixels means that the AI agents perceive the same visual content as humans, whereas training from the internal game state involves the AI processing numerical data about the game's variables, such as player positions and scores.

Q: How does DeepMind's Impala algorithm perform in the 3D football simulation?

DeepMind's Impala algorithm has shown impressive performance, being the only one able to consistently defeat the medium and hard handcrafted teams in the simulation, especially after training for 500 million steps.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning that teaches an agent to select actions to maximize a score in a given environment.

  • Google Brain's research team has developed a 3D football simulation where AI agents can control players, requiring a balance between short-term control tasks and long-term strategic planning.

  • DeepMind's Impala algorithm has demonstrated superior performance against handcrafted teams in the simulation, particularly in the hard case where it was trained on a massive array of machines.

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