George Hotz: Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets | Lex Fridman Podcast #132 | Summary and Q&A

October 21, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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George Hotz: Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets | Lex Fridman Podcast #132


George Hotz, founder of Comma AI, discusses the mission of his company, which aims to solve self-driving cars while delivering shippable intermediaries. He emphasizes the importance of both solving the technical challenges of autonomous driving and generating revenue along the way. Hotz also shares his thoughts on the potential of intelligent life in the universe and the idea of living forever.

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Key Insights

  • 😨 Comma AI's mission is centered around solving the self-driving car problem while delivering incremental improvements through shippable intermediaries.
  • 🚄 The company's approach focuses on building a person replacement that can handle driving tasks with high levels of safety, speed, and comfort.
  • 🌍 Comma AI's strategy involves leveraging machine learning, reinforcement learning, and real-world data to continuously improve the performance and safety of its autonomous driving technology.
  • 🛳️ The Comma Two device combines hardware and software to provide adaptive cruise control, lane keeping, and other advanced driving features.


the following is a conversation with george hotz a.k.a geohot his second time on the podcast he's the founder of comma ai an autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle technology company that seeks to be to tesla autopilot what android is to the ios they sell the comma two device for one thousand dollars that when installed in many of their supported c... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Comma AI ensure driver safety with the Comma Two device?

Comma AI's Comma Two device uses machine learning models combined with various sensors to navigate the road, adaptively cruise, and stay within the lanes. The system is designed to provide a safer driving experience by continuously learning from user data and improving its performance over time.

Q: What makes Comma AI different from other companies in the autonomous vehicle industry?

Comma AI takes a unique approach by focusing on building a person replacement rather than completely redesigning cars. Their goal is to leverage machine learning and deep learning techniques to improve driving capabilities while delivering incremental advancements in autonomous driving technology.

Q: How does Comma AI select the data it trains its models on?

Comma AI uses a combination of user data and real-world driving scenarios to train its machine learning models. They collect a large amount of high-quality data and use reinforcement learning techniques to train the models based on user behavior and actual driving experiences.

Q: What is the long-term vision of Comma AI?

The long-term vision of Comma AI is to achieve fully autonomous vehicles while also ensuring the company remains financially viable throughout the development process. They aim to make driving more relaxed and enjoyable by providing advanced driving assistance features and eventually fully autonomous capabilities.

Q: How does Comma AI ensure driver safety with the Comma Two device?

Comma AI's Comma Two device uses machine learning models combined with various sensors to navigate the road, adaptively cruise, and stay within the lanes. The system is designed to provide a safer driving experience by continuously learning from user data and improving its performance over time.

More Insights

  • Comma AI's mission is centered around solving the self-driving car problem while delivering incremental improvements through shippable intermediaries.

  • The company's approach focuses on building a person replacement that can handle driving tasks with high levels of safety, speed, and comfort.

  • Comma AI's strategy involves leveraging machine learning, reinforcement learning, and real-world data to continuously improve the performance and safety of its autonomous driving technology.

  • The Comma Two device combines hardware and software to provide adaptive cruise control, lane keeping, and other advanced driving features.

  • Comma AI's long-term vision includes achieving fully autonomous vehicles and making driving more relaxing and enjoyable for users.


This is a conversation between Lex Fridman and George Hotz, the founder of They discuss various topics including the possibility of intelligent life in the universe, the concept of hacking the simulation, and the future of cryptocurrency, particularly Ethereum.

Questions & Answers

Q: Do you think there is intelligent life out there in the universe?

I think there has been intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but they may have self-destructed or reached a steady state of existence.

Q: How are we doing on the parameter of intelligent civilizations not lasting very long?

It is difficult to determine, but the IQ required to destroy the world falls by one point every year due to technological advancements. This could lead to potential destruction in the future.

Q: Can a meme destroy the world?

It is possible, as memes can have a significant impact on culture and society. However, we may not have seen the worst of it yet.

Q: Can a meme save the world?

The idea of a meme lord like Elon Musk fighting on the side of good against the dark forces of memes is an interesting concept. It highlights the power of ideas and influence in shaping the world.

Q: Is there such a thing as "happily ever after"?

The concept of "happily ever after" in fairy tales might not accurately reflect reality. Marriage and relationships have their challenges, and it requires effort to maintain happiness.

Q: What does the idea of destruction mean in the context of humanity?

Destruction, in this context, refers to potential catastrophic events that could harm humanity and the world. It emphasizes the importance of taking the right actions to avoid such events.

Q: What are the differences between cryptography and nuclear weapons in terms of offense and defense?

Cryptography provides a defensive advantage as it allows for secure communications and data protection. In contrast, nuclear weapons have an offensive advantage as they can cause significant destruction.

Q: What could have stopped intelligent civilizations from expanding in the universe?

If intelligent civilizations existed, but they are not visible or expanding, it suggests that there might be a reason for their halt. It raises questions about why they did not colonize the universe.

Q: Could intelligent life be among us without us being able to comprehend it?

It is possible that intelligent life could exist among us without making themselves visible or easily detectable. This could be due to a prime directive-like concept, where they choose not to interfere with our existence.

Q: How would we be able to communicate with intelligent beings from other civilizations?

If intelligent beings from other civilizations exist and are willing to communicate, it is likely that they would use similar methods of communication and abide by the same laws of physics.

Q: Are UFO sightings and claims of extraterrestrial life credible?

There have been many UFO sightings, and while some can be explained as natural phenomena or human imagination, there are cases like the one mentioned with David Fravor that deserve further investigation.

Q: What conspiracy theories do you find compelling?

The idea that conspiracy theories were deliberately created by organizations like the CIA to discredit valid information is an intriguing conspiracy theory in itself.

Q: Do you believe there are alien civilizations with computers and programming?

It is possible that alien civilizations had some form of computers and programming, particularly if they are similar to us in terms of technological advancements.

Q: How can we hack the simulation, if we live in one?

The concept of hacking the simulation was not meant to be taken literally. It is more of a thought experiment that highlights how humans prioritize trivial matters in the grand scheme of things.

Q: What are your insights on immortality?

George Hotz expresses his desire to live forever and the belief that immortality can give him the time to learn everything and eventually be ready to die. He also mentions potential self-manipulation of the mind to retain curiosity.

Q: What are the challenges of simulating nature and biology?

Simulating nature and biology accurately is computationally intensive and requires advanced tools and technologies. Current capabilities are limited, but progress is being made in areas like molecular-level simulations.

Q: How can we prevent disasters in a world with advancing technologies?

It is crucial to have robust safety measures and reliable mechanisms in place to ensure the responsible use of technologies with potential destructive capabilities. This includes areas like cryptography and bioengineering.

Q: What do you find appealing about cryptocurrencies?

George Hotz highlights the Nakamoto consensus algorithm used in cryptocurrencies as a significant innovation. He also believes in the power of smart contracts and the concept of code as law.

Q: Do you think any specific cryptocurrency will emerge as the winner?

George Hotz does not speculate on which cryptocurrency will come out on top. He believes in the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies as a whole, rather than focusing on any specific project.

Q: What are the advantages of smart contracts?

Smart contracts can eliminate the need for traditional legal interpretations and reduce costs and uncertainties. They use cryptography to enforce agreements and provide certainty in transactions.

Q: How do you approach problem-solving?

George Hotz mentions the importance of experience and long-term commitment to becoming a good programmer. He states that there are no shortcuts and that thinking and doing go hand in hand.

Q: Are there any specific implementations of cryptocurrencies that you find appealing?

George Hotz expresses a bullish outlook on Bitcoin but also recognizes the potential of Ethereum and its governance model. He believes that the underlying ideas and principles of cryptocurrencies are more important than any specific project.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Comma AI's mission is to solve self-driving cars while delivering shippable intermediaries, focusing on building a person replacement that can drive with a human or better level of safety, speed, quality, and comfort.

  • The company's main product is the Comma Two device, a piece of hardware with cameras that provides features such as adaptive cruise control and lane keeping, with the goal of making driving more relaxing and enjoyable.

  • Openpilot, the software side of Comma AI, is responsible for executing the neural network models, managing resources, and interfacing with the car, among other tasks.

  • Comma AI has made significant improvements in its openpilot software, with the ability to remove lanes and progress in achieving end-to-end performance on user data.

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