Garry Kasparov | What Constitutes Intelligence | Summary and Q&A

May 17, 2017
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Garry Kasparov | What Constitutes Intelligence


Garry Kasparov discusses the origins of AI concepts in chess, the challenges of playing against machines, the potential of AI in the future, and the importance of human involvement in technology.

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Key Insights

  • 🛝 Chess has been a testing ground for AI concepts due to its long history and association with intellect.
  • 🖤 Machines may dominate chess, but they lack human traits like understanding and purpose.
  • 💦 Humans and machines need to work together to create new combinations and find solutions beyond chess.
  • 🙈 AI should not be seen as a replacement for humans, but as a tool to enhance human abilities.
  • 🍝 The future impact of AI is uncertain, and predictions based on past experiences may be flawed.
  • 🤗 The challenge lies in utilizing technology and the internet to spread open society ideals while being aware of the dangers of misinformation and manipulation.
  • 🖐️ Putin's regime exploits technology to undermine democracy and communication plays a crucial role in defending against it.
  • 👯 The current political climate has encouraged more young people to participate in politics and utilize technology for positive change.


really excited about our next guest he's a bit of a legend you might have heard of him he was the thirteenth world chess champion he's the chairman of the human rights foundation and his name is Garry Kasparov please welcome him to the stage as well as our moderator Devin cold way [Applause] [Applause] thank you for joining us mr. Casper oh thank y... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why was chess considered the ultimate test for the founders of computer science?

Chess has been played for a long time and was traditionally considered a sign of great intellect, making it the perfect test for machines. Alan Turing even wrote the first chess-playing program in 1952.

Q: Can machines solve chess or other games completely?

No, since chess has mathematically infinite possibilities, it cannot be solved. Machines can now beat humans because of their computational power, but they lack understanding, strategical patterns, and purpose.

Q: Should we be worried about AI taking over jobs?

Garry Kasparov believes that the real challenge is not that jobs are being lost, but that they are not being lost fast enough. We need to focus on generating new opportunities and creating new sustainable jobs.

Q: What are the dangers of AI, and how can they be addressed?

AI can be dangerous when used to spread fake news and misinformation, as seen with the Facebook algorithm. The challenge lies in finding a balance between AI and human intervention to identify and solve the problems created by AI.


In this video, Garry Kasparov, the thirteenth world chess champion and chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, discusses the connection between AI and chess, the limitations of machines, the role of AI in different industries, and the impact of technology on society. He emphasizes the need for humans and machines to work together, highlights the challenges and benefits of AI, and stresses the importance of using technology wisely. Kasparov also touches on the dangers of fake news, the influence of technology on democracy, and the need for active participation in shaping the future.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why has chess been such a fruitful testbed for AI concepts?

Kasparov explains that chess has been considered a testbed for AI because it has traditionally been seen as a game that requires great intellect. The founding fathers of computer science, such as Alan Turing, viewed chess as the ultimate test for machines to prove their intelligence. Chess has been used for practical purposes in computer science, including the development of the first chess-playing program by Alan Turing in 1952.

Q: Can chess be solved mathematically?

Kasparov explains that chess cannot be solved mathematically because of the infinite number of possible moves. He mentions that there are more legal moves in chess than there are atoms in the solar system. The goal in chess is not to solve the game but to win it. While machines have become unbeatable in chess, humans bring complementary skills such as understanding, recognizing strategic patterns, and having purpose.

Q: Is there another game or environment that has become the new testbed for AI?

Kasparov mentions that games like Go, especially the development of AlphaGo, have taken the spotlight as the new testbed for AI. However, he personally prefers to stick to chess and the European version of chess known as Western Chess.

Q: Is the fear and panic surrounding AI justified?

Kasparov believes that the fear and panic surrounding AI are unjustified. While he acknowledges the concerns, he emphasizes the importance of being optimistic and proactive. He warns against becoming paralyzed by the machines and losing sight of the opportunities that AI can bring. Instead of focusing on job losses, he suggests focusing on creating new sustainable jobs and generating economic growth.

Q: Can AI solve the problem of fake news?

Kasparov argues that relying solely on AI to solve the problem of fake news is a losing proposition. He believes that human involvement is crucial in identifying and combating fake news. He mentions that Facebook is hiring thousands of people to help AI fight against fake news. He emphasizes the need to understand the dangers of fake news and misinformation spread through the internet.

Q: Should we be worried about AI taking over certain areas?

Kasparov believes that instead of worrying about AI taking over certain areas, we should focus on being creative and adaptable. He points out that technology has always caused disruptions throughout history. While jobs may be lost, he sees it as an opportunity to create new jobs and move forward. He encourages individuals to embrace technology and its potential.

Q: Has technology helped in the fight for human rights?

Kasparov shares his experience of bringing computers to small towns in Russia, which helped improve chess players' performance. However, he also highlights the double-edged nature of technology, citing how authoritarian regimes have used technology to undermine open societies and spread misinformation. He emphasizes the need for human involvement and communication, which are crucial components of democracy.

Q: How has Putin's regime affected your fight for human rights?

Kasparov describes Putin's regime as dangerous because it lacks an ideology to sell, making it more flexible and capable of supporting various forces that go against the status quo. He mentions the dangers of fake news and election meddling orchestrated by Putin's regime. He commends the ability of technology and communication to expose and voice opposition to such regimes.

Q: Is there anywhere where we need to be cautious with AI?

Kasparov points out the difficulty in predicting the future and making guesses about the limitations of AI. He emphasizes that technology always surprises us and that predictions based on past experiences can often be wrong. While he acknowledges the challenges and risks, he believes that the possibilities and opportunities presented by AI outweigh the potential negative consequences.

Q: Can technology guarantee communication, and is that essential for democracy?

Kasparov agrees that technology plays a crucial role in communication, which is essential for democracy. He recognizes that technology has made it easier to spread information and expose the actions of oppressive regimes. However, he also mentions the dangers of technology, such as the spread of fake news. He believes that active participation and the responsible use of technology can help foster and protect democracy.

Q: How can individuals make a difference in shaping the future with technology?

Kasparov encourages individuals, especially young people, to realize the enormous power they have at their disposal with technology. He highlights that they carry in their pockets devices that are more powerful than supercomputers of the past. He urges individuals to think creatively and participate actively in shaping a better reality, reminding them of the importance of asking the right questions and utilizing technology to its fullest potential.


Garry Kasparov's discussion on AI and its connection to chess reveals the fruitful testbed that chess provides for AI concepts. It also underscores the need for humans and machines to complement each other, rather than compete against each other. Kasparov emphasizes the importance of using technology wisely, understanding the limitations of AI, and being proactive in shaping the future. He acknowledges the challenges and dangers of technology, such as the spread of fake news, but remains optimistic about the opportunities it can bring. Kasparov highlights the significance of communication in preserving democracy and encourages individuals to participate actively and responsibly in the digital age.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Garry Kasparov discusses the historical relevance of using chess as a testbed for AI concepts and the ultimate goal of machines winning against top human players.

  • He notes that while machines have become unbeatable in chess, they lack understanding, strategic patterns, and purpose which are essential human traits.

  • Kasparov emphasizes the need for humans and machines to work together, as seen in the concept of freestyle chess, and encourages creativity and emotional involvement as areas where humans excel.

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