fractions to percentage calculations | Summary and Q&A

August 11, 2013
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fractions to percentage calculations


Learn how to convert fractions into percentages using the standard method with clear explanations and step-by-step examples.

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Key Insights

  • ✖️ Converting fractions into percentages involves multiplying the fraction by 100 and simplifying if possible.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The standard method requires finding a common factor that can be canceled out in the numerator and denominator.
  • ❓ The examples provided demonstrate the step-by-step process for converting fractions into percentages.


good day and welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is we're just going to look at the standard way of changing fractions into percentages uh this is a response to a question somebody sent through so if you have any questions to do with maths send them through I'll get a video out as quick as I can so... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you convert fractions into percentages using the standard method?

To convert a fraction into a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100 and simplify if possible before obtaining the final percentage value. The method involves multiplying the fraction by 100 over 1.

Q: Can you explain the process with an example?

Certainly! Let's take the fraction 3/4. To convert it into a percentage, we multiply it by 100/1. Simplifying the fraction, we get 3 * 25 over 1 * 1, which equals 75%. Therefore, 3/4 is equal to 75%.

Q: What if we have a more complex fraction like 5/8?

For the fraction 5/8, we follow the same process. By multiplying it by 100/1, we get 5 * 25 over 8 * 1, which simplifies to 125/2. Dividing 125 by 2 gives us 62 and a remainder of 1. Therefore, 5/8 is equal to 62 1/2%.

Q: How do we handle fractions like 7/18?

When dealing with fractions like 7/18, we multiply them by 100/1. However, in this case, the fraction can't be simplified further. So, we multiply 7 by 50 over 18 by 1, resulting in 350/9. Dividing 350 by 9 yields 38 with a remainder of 8. Hence, 7/18 is equal to 38 8/9%.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This video tutorial teaches how to convert fractions into percentages using the standard method.

  • The host provides three examples: converting 3/4 to a percentage, converting 5/8 to a percentage, and converting 7/18 to a percentage.

  • The process involves multiplying the fraction by 100 and simplifying if possible before arriving at the final percentage value.

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