Finding Dory in 360° | Ellen DeGeneres + More | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 8, 2016
Talks at Google
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Finding Dory in 360° | Ellen DeGeneres + More | Talks at Google


Cast of "Finding Dory" discuss the making of the film and their experiences working on it.

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Key Insights

  • 😓 The cast had a great deal of input and improvisation during the recording sessions, adding their own unique touches to the characters.
  • 🗯️ The director emphasized the importance of finding the right actors with voices that could bring the characters to life.
  • 👪 The film explores themes of loss, abandonment, and the importance of family, while still maintaining its humorous and entertaining tone.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Sia's cover of "Unforgettable" was chosen to complement the film's ending and provide a modern twist to a classic song.


[APPLAUSE] KEVIN VLK: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Talks at Google. I'm Kevin Vlk with the Google team, and here we are in sunny LA at YouTube Space. So how awesome is the space, huh, guys? [CHEERS] So this full production facility-- we're really, really excited here, because we're doing something brand-new that we haven't done on Talks at Google be... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the idea for the film come about?

The director was inspired to create a sequel after rewatching "Finding Nemo" and realizing the potential for Dory's character to have her own story.

Q: How did the cast approach their characters?

The cast members brought their own interpretations and improvisations to their characters, allowing for a more authentic and spontaneous performance.

Q: What challenges did the production team face during the making of the film?

The creation of the new character, Hank the octopus, proved to be a complex and time-consuming task. The team had to adapt and rewrite scenes to accommodate the strengths of the actors.

Q: What lessons can aspiring content creators take away from the film?

The actors emphasized the importance of storytelling and authenticity in creating compelling content. They also encouraged aspiring creators to draw from personal experiences and emotions to connect with their audience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Cast members discuss their characters and their experiences working on the film.

  • The director shares insights into the creative process and the challenges faced during production.

  • The cast talks about the importance of storytelling and authenticity in their work.

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