Fence posts for horses | Addition and subtraction within 100 | Early Math | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2015
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Fence posts for horses | Addition and subtraction within 100 | Early Math | Khan Academy


A farmer used 26 fence posts for Hazel Horse's fence and 19 fence posts for Pauly Pony's fence, so the total number of fence posts used is 45.

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Key Insights

  • 🏣 The total number of fence posts used is the sum of the fence posts used for each horse's fence.
  • 🪜 The calculation involves adding the numbers, not subtracting them.
  • 🏣 There are 26 fence posts used for Hazel Horse's fence.
  • 🏣 There are 19 fence posts used for Pauly Pony's fence.
  • 🤑 The calculation includes regrouping from ones to tens when adding the numbers.
  • 🏣 The final answer is 45 fence posts.


  • [Voiceover] A farmer used fence posts to build a fence for Hazel Horse and Pauly Pony. The farmer used 26 fence posts to build Hazel Horse's fence and 19 fence posts to build Pauly Pony's fence. How many fence posts did the farmer use in all? If you like, I encourage you to pause the video and try to figure it out. I'm assuming you have tried it,... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many fence posts did the farmer use for Hazel Horse's fence?

The farmer used 26 fence posts for Hazel Horse's fence.

Q: How many fence posts did the farmer use for Pauly Pony's fence?

The farmer used 19 fence posts for Pauly Pony's fence.

Q: How did the farmer calculate the total number of fence posts used?

The farmer added the number of fence posts used for Hazel Horse's fence (26) and Pauly Pony's fence (19) to get the total of 45 fence posts.

Q: What would be the calculation if the question asked for the difference in fence posts between Hazel Horse and Pauly Pony?

To find the difference, we would subtract the number of fence posts used for Pauly Pony's fence (19) from the number used for Hazel Horse's fence (26), which would give us a difference of 7 fence posts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The farmer used 26 fence posts for Hazel Horse's fence.

  • The farmer used 19 fence posts for Pauly Pony's fence.

  • The total number of fence posts used by the farmer is 45.

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