Fast Math Trick - How to multiply 2 two digit numbers - why it works! | Summary and Q&A

April 26, 2013
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Fast Math Trick - How to multiply 2 two digit numbers - why it works!


Learn a faster method to multiply two-digit numbers together, saving time and reducing calculations.

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Key Insights

  • ✖️ The traditional method of multiplication requires multiplying each digit individually and adding the results.
  • 💨 The faster method groups the digits and simplifies the calculations, reducing the number of steps required.
  • 😚 Paying close attention to carrying over numbers correctly is crucial to obtaining accurate results.
  • 💨 The faster method does not skip any calculations but rather optimizes the order in which they are performed.
  • 💨 The faster method can significantly reduce the time required to multiply two-digit numbers together.
  • 💨 It is important to carefully understand and practice the faster method to ensure accurate results.
  • 💬 Engaging with comments and questions from viewers enhances learning and understanding.


good day and welcome to the tech math channel uh what I'm going to be having a look at in this video is I'm going to be looking at a video that I made about a year and a half ago I'm going to be following up just some things with that uh what we were doing is we were looking at how to multiply two two digigit numbers together uh get really really f... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the traditional method of multiplying two-digit numbers work?

The traditional method involves multiplying each digit individually and then adding up the results. This process can be time-consuming and prone to errors if not done carefully.

Q: How does the faster method of multiplication work?

In the faster method, the digits are grouped and multiplied accordingly. This approach saves time by eliminating the need for carrying over numbers and simplifies the calculations.

Q: Does the faster method skip any calculations?

No, the faster method does not skip any calculations. It simply rearranges the order in which the calculations are performed, resulting in quicker results.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the faster method?

One common mistake is forgetting to carry over numbers when necessary. It's important to accurately distribute the results and carry over any excess numbers to the appropriate place.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses a faster method of multiplying two two-digit numbers together.

  • The traditional method involves multiplying each digit individually and adding up the results.

  • The faster method streamlines the calculations by grouping the digits and multiplying them accordingly.

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