Fair Food | Oren Hesterman | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 28, 2011
Talks at Google
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Fair Food | Oren Hesterman | Talks at Google


Dr. Oran Hesterman presents his book on creating a fair food system that is healthy, sustainable, and accessible to all.

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Key Insights

  • 😋 Shifting from a conscious consumer to an engaged citizen is crucial for creating a healthy and sustainable food system.
  • 😋 Local and organic food is more affordable than commonly believed.
  • 😋 Policy changes, such as subsidies for sustainable farming practices, can support the transition to a fair food system.
  • 🥘 Education and outreach are necessary to help low-income communities understand that healthy food is accessible and affordable.
  • 😋 Local and seasonal food go hand in hand, as eating seasonally drives consumption of locally produced food.


Female Presenter: Good afternoon, everyone. Authors@Google New York is pleased to welcome today Dr. Oran Hesterman. Dr. Hesterman is the president and CEO of Fair Food Network. And he is here today to present his book Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All. As stated in the bio of his book if you read on the cover there, f... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Dr. Hesterman define healthy food?

Dr. Hesterman defines healthy food as fresh fruits and vegetables, focusing on increasing consumption in our diets.

Q: Is vegetarianism necessary for a healthy diet?

Dr. Hesterman believes that vegetarianism is not required, but acknowledges that reducing our meat consumption is important for environmental sustainability.

Q: How can we make the transition to a fair food system economically viable?

Dr. Hesterman suggests supporting local farmers and the development of a regional food infrastructure. Volunteering, lobbying, and grassroots efforts can also help create momentum for change.

Q: Are there enough local farmers to meet the demand for fair food?

Dr. Hesterman believes that with increased demand, farmers will scale up their production. He advocates for supporting farmers in transitioning to more sustainable practices.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Dr. Hesterman discusses the need for change in the way we eat and produce food, focusing on not just organic consumption, but also how food is grown, delivered, and addressed by public policy.

  • He shares personal experiences with the importance of having access to healthy food and discusses the issue of food deserts, particularly in inner-city communities.

  • Dr. Hesterman emphasizes the urgency of caring about the food system, as it impacts our health, economic stability, and overall well-being.

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