Do you need antivirus on your phone? | Summary and Q&A

November 25, 2022
The PC Security Channel
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Do you need antivirus on your phone?


Antivirus software may not be necessary for typical smartphone users, but advanced threats like Pegasus highlight the need for mobile security measures.

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Key Insights

  • 🔒 Pegasus malware highlighted the vulnerability of iPhones and shattered the belief in their inherent security.
  • 😀 Scams and phishing attacks via messages or emails rely on social engineering rather than technical exploits, making antivirus apps less effective.
  • 😀 Android devices are more susceptible to traditional threats like ransomware and crypto miners, especially if users install third-party apps.
  • 🚗 Antivirus software on mobile devices may not offer the same level of real-time protection as desktop solutions.
  • 💁 VPNs and password managers are still crucial for protecting network activity and personal information on smartphones.
  • 👏 The use of a security app with features like data shield and spyware scanning can provide additional protection against advanced threats.
  • 😀 Mobile users should be cautious when downloading apps, especially on Android devices, to avoid potential malware infections.


so one of the questions I still get asked a lot is whether or not you need an antivirus on your phone now the standard answer I typically give out to this is that if you're a typical user who only uses your phone with standard built-in apps like messaging camera maps and social media probably not which is interesting because that's not what I tell ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can smartphones with built-in apps like messaging and social media be infected with malware?

For typical users, the risk of malware infection is low, but advanced threats like Pegasus have exposed vulnerabilities even on iPhones. However, for Android users who install third-party apps, the risk is higher.

Q: Are phishing attacks via messages or emails a significant concern for smartphone users?

Yes, scams and phishing links are common, but they rely on social engineering tactics rather than technical exploitation. Antivirus apps may have limited impact in preventing such attacks.

Q: Can ransomware encrypt personal data on iPhones and Android devices?

While iPhone apps are sandboxed and prevent third-party malware from accessing user data, Android devices can be infected with traditional ransomware. Android users should be cautious when downloading apps outside of the official App Store.

Q: Can antivirus software on mobile devices offer real-time protection like on desktops?

Most mobile antivirus programs can only scan for existing threats rather than actively monitor app behavior for potential threats. The level of sophistication in mobile antivirus is still limited compared to desktop solutions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Pegasus, a highly sophisticated phone malware developed by NSO Group, shattered the notion of iPhone invulnerability and showcased the potential dangers of smartphone infiltration.

  • Everyday users are more likely to encounter scams and phishing links via messages or emails, which rely on social engineering rather than technical exploitation.

  • While iPhone apps are generally safeguarded against malware, Android devices are more susceptible to traditional threats like ransomware or crypto miners due to the availability of third-party apps.

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