Decimal Multiplication...easy | Summary and Q&A

October 12, 2021
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Decimal Multiplication...easy


Learn how to multiply decimals by treating them like whole numbers and then adjust the decimal places at the end.

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Key Insights

  • ✖️ Multiplication with decimals involves treating them as whole numbers during the multiplication process.
  • #️⃣ After multiplying the whole numbers, the decimal places are adjusted based on the original numbers' decimal positions.
  • ✖️ The step-by-step breakdown of examples helps in understanding the process and applying it to different decimal multiplication problems.
  • 🤑 The video provides multiple examples, starting from simple to more complex ones, making it easier to grasp the concept.
  • 🛀 The method shown in the video simplifies the process and eliminates confusion when multiplying decimals.
  • 👻 Understanding the concept of decimal multiplication allows for accurate calculations and problem-solving in various real-world scenarios.
  • 🛟 The video demonstrates the practical application of math in everyday life situations.


good day welcome to the techmath channel I'm Josh what we're going to be looking at in this video is multiplication involving decimals and there's going to be lots and lots of examples so you're going to get really good at this so let's launch into this we'll start off with something nice and easy 3.6 multiplied by 4 now the trick with doing multip... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How should decimals be treated during multiplication?

Decimals should be treated as whole numbers during multiplication. After multiplying, the decimal places are adjusted based on the original numbers' decimal positions.

Q: Can you explain the process of multiplying decimals by using an example?

Sure! Let's take the example of 3.6 multiplied by 4. First, multiply the whole numbers (36 x 4 = 144). Then, count the total decimal places in the original numbers (1 + 0 = 1). Place the decimal point in the product, one place from the right, resulting in 14.4.

Q: What should be done when multiplying decimals with different decimal places?

When multiplying decimals with different decimal places, treat them as whole numbers by removing the decimal points and then multiply. Afterward, count the total decimal places in the original numbers and place the decimal point accordingly in the product.

Q: Is there a shortcut or trick to multiply decimals quickly?

The trick is to align the decimal points of the numbers being multiplied, treat them as whole numbers during multiplication, and adjust the decimal places in the final answer. This method simplifies the process and allows for easy multiplication of decimals.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates multiplication with decimals using various examples, starting with simple ones and progressing to more complex ones.

  • The key concept is to treat the decimals as whole numbers during multiplication and then adjust the decimal places in the final answer.

  • Each example is broken down step-by-step, making it easy to understand and apply the method to different decimal multiplication problems.

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