Dear Construction Industry | The B1M | Summary and Q&A

December 2, 2015
The B1M
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Dear Construction Industry | The B1M


The next 10 years are crucial for the construction industry to adopt Building Information Modeling (BIM) in order to address long-standing challenges and provide a better built environment for future generations.

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Key Insights

  • 👷 The construction industry has a critical choice to make in the next 10 years: adopt BIM or continue with the status quo.
  • 🧍 BIM offers an opportunity to address long-standing industry challenges, such as poor client satisfaction and inefficient procurement approaches.
  • 👶 Embracing BIM requires a change in behavior and a willingness to try something new, even if it means making less immediate profit.
  • 🏛️ The author emphasizes that the consequences of not adopting BIM will be felt by future generations, as they will inherit the same shortcomings and substandard built environment.
  • 🏗️ BIM not only benefits the construction industry but also has a wide-ranging impact on other industries and individuals who interact with the built environment.
  • 😚 The author highlights the importance of Generation Y in driving the adoption of BIM, as they have the most to gain or lose in the next 10 years.
  • 👷 The author urges the construction industry to be the change it wants to see and make the choice for Option 1, which is embracing BIM.


dear construction industry I am writing to you as a 29 year old man which puts me right in the hearts of Generation Y I'm doing so now in 2015 because I believe the next 10 years up to 2025 are critical for our industry in fact I'd go as far to say as they are the most critical 10 years for our industry since the Industrial Revolution I'm writing b... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the author believe the next 10 years are critical for the construction industry?

The author believes that the next 10 years are critical because it is the opportune time to adopt BIM and address long-standing industry challenges, ensuring a better built environment for future generations.

Q: How does BIM force the industry to reconsider its current practices?

BIM forces the industry to reconsider its clients' briefs, procurement approaches, risk transfer mechanisms, and information management. It encourages a focus on outcomes and not just the speed and cost of construction.

Q: What are some benefits that BIM can bring to the construction industry?

BIM can improve the industry's value proposition, make the cost base leaner and more efficient, and provide a better built environment for all industry sectors. It also has the potential to increase profitability.

Q: What is the alternative to adopting BIM?

The alternative is to choose Option 2, which is maintaining the status quo. This would mean continuing with the same practices that have led to substandard outcomes, such as low client satisfaction, defects, and even fatalities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The author emphasizes that adopting BIM is not just about 3D modeling or structured data, but an opportunity to address numerous industry challenges and improve outcomes for clients and the built environment.

  • BIM forces a reconsideration of procurement approaches, risk transfer, information management, and overall value proposition, leading to a leaner and more efficient construction process.

  • The alternative, Option 2, is to maintain the status quo, which perpetuates the shortcomings of the industry, including poor client satisfaction, defects, and even fatalities.

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