Dava Newman: Space Exploration, Space Suits, and Life on Mars | Lex Fridman Podcast #51 | Summary and Q&A

November 22, 2019
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Dava Newman: Space Exploration, Space Suits, and Life on Mars | Lex Fridman Podcast #51


MIT professor and former NASA official, David Newman, discusses the future of space exploration, including missions to the Moon and Mars, the development of advanced spacesuit technology, and the importance of AI and autonomy in space exploration.

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Key Insights

  • 🚀 David Newman, former deputy administrator of NASA and professor at MIT, discusses space exploration and the future of space suits.
  • 📱 Cash App, a finance app, is sponsoring the podcast and allows users to easily send money and buy/sell Bitcoin.
  • 🌍 Newman discusses the significance of circumnavigating the globe, drawing parallels between historical explorations and space missions.
  • 🧠 The psychology and dynamics among astronauts on a mission are crucial, especially for long-duration missions like a Mars mission.
  • ❤️ Newman's love for exploration began at an early age in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, which instilled a deep appreciation for nature and the wonders of the world.
  • 🌌 Newman was captivated by the Apollo program and the feat of landing humans on the moon, which inspired her to dream of interplanetary travel and exploration.
  • 🌟 Considering the vastness of the universe and our small place in it, Newman emphasizes the importance of taking care of Earth and exploring space as a means of expanding human knowledge and possibilities.
  • 🚀 The Artemis program, aimed at returning to the moon and eventually venturing to Mars, excites Newman as a way to further develop space technologies, test new systems, and learn more about living and working in space.


the following is a conversation with David Newman she's the Apollo program professor at MIT and the former deputy administrator of NASA and has been a principal investigator on for spaceflight missions her research interests are an aerospace biomedical engineering investigating human performance in varying gravity environments she has designed and ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does David Newman view the importance of team dynamics and psychology in space exploration missions?

David Newman sees team dynamics and psychology as crucial in space missions, particularly in isolated and confined environments. She believes that effective leadership, communication, and a sense of purpose are necessary to keep a crew focused and motivated on their mission.

Q: What does David Newman think about the possibility of finding life on Mars?

David Newman believes that there is a high likelihood of finding evidence of past life on Mars, given the presence of water, organics, and the right conditions for life in the planet's past. She suggests that within the next decade, we may find fossilized life forms on Mars, but the search for current life is more challenging and ongoing.

Q: How does David Newman view the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy in space exploration?

David Newman sees AI and autonomy as critical in the future of space exploration, particularly for Mars missions where communication delays make human control from Earth impractical. She believes that fully autonomous systems, combined with humans in the loop, will be essential for exploration, scientific research, and resource utilization.

Q: What is David Newman's vision for the future of space exploration?

David Newman envisions a future where thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people will be living and working in low Earth orbit. She also believes that missions to the Moon and Mars will become a reality in the 2030s, with the development of advanced technologies and the accumulation of knowledge from lunar missions. Ultimately, she sees humans becoming an interplanetary species, exploring and colonizing other planets in the solar system.


In this conversation with David Newman, the Apollo program professor at MIT and former Deputy Administrator of NASA, they discuss space exploration and the future of space suits. They talk about the challenges and excitement of space exploration, the psychology of astronauts, the perspective of being a small planet in a vast universe, the search for life on Mars and other planets, the role of technology and propulsion in space travel, the Artemis program and the future of moon and Mars missions, the importance of spacesuits in human exploration, the concept of mechanical counter pressure and its potential in spacesuit technology, the role of aesthetics and design in spacesuits, the significance of reusable rockets and the opportunities for private space companies, the role of AI and autonomy in space missions, and the importance of taking care of spaceship Earth.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was it like for the crew of Magellan's expedition to circumnavigate the globe?

The crew likely felt wonderment and excitement rather than fear, as exploration is about facing the challenge and unknown. Sailing the world's oceans would have exposed them to extreme weather conditions, and they would have been curious about what lies beyond the horizon.

Q: How does psychology play a role in space exploration?

The psychology of team dynamics and leadership is crucial in any isolated and extreme environment, such as a Mars mission. While technology is important, understanding and addressing the psychological aspects of human interaction and well-being is equally vital for the success and safety of astronauts.

Q: When did David Newman first fall in love with the idea of exploration?

David Newman has been fascinated by exploration since childhood, growing up in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. She has always had a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of the mountains and the sense of wonder that comes from exploring new territories, whether in nature or space.

Q: What captivated David Newman about space exploration?

The Apollo program, particularly the Apollo 11 mission and the moon landing, inspired David Newman at a young age. Witnessing the seemingly impossible feat of humans landing on the moon made her believe that any mission, no matter how challenging, could be achieved with enough focus, leadership, and determination.

Q: How does the vastness of the universe make David Newman feel about our efforts on Earth?

David Newman embraces the perspective of our smallness in the grand scale of the universe. Looking at images of Earth from space, she emphasizes the importance of understanding that we are just a tiny blue dot in the vastness of space. This perspective reminds us of the uniqueness and preciousness of our planet and the need to take care of it.

Q: Does David Newman think life exists beyond Earth?

David Newman strongly believes that life exists beyond Earth, both in microbial and intelligent forms. While the scientific evidence for past and present life on Mars is growing, the discovery of life on other ocean worlds and exoplanets is an exciting prospect for future exploration.

Q: Does space travel require fundamental breakthroughs in technology or can our current knowledge be sufficient?

While advancements in propulsion technology would greatly enhance space travel, the current limitations of the speed of light and orbital mechanics mean that we have to work within the constraints of physics. However, continued research and development are essential to improve launch capabilities, reduce costs, and optimize space missions.

Q: What excites David Newman about the Artemis program and the prospects of returning to the moon and venturing to Mars?

David Newman is excited about the Artemis program because it represents a return to deep space exploration after decades of focusing on low-Earth orbit. The moon will serve as a crucial testing ground for technologies and provides an opportunity to develop and test life support systems, habitats, and resource utilization techniques. The moon missions lay the foundation for future Mars missions.

Q: What is the role of spacesuits in space exploration?

Spacesuits are essential for human exploration because they provide a pressurized environment and life support systems for astronauts. They are essentially small spacecraft that allow humans to survive and function in the extreme conditions of space, protecting them from the vacuum, temperature extremes, and radiation.

Q: What does the future spacesuit look like according to David Newman?

The future spacesuit, according to David Newman, will be a tight-fitting, mechanical counter pressure suit that directly applies pressure to the body. This design allows for maximum mobility and flexibility, giving astronauts the ability to move like Olympic athletes. The spacesuit will also incorporate augmented reality in the helmet, serving as an information portal for various tasks and data.

Q: What role does AI play in space missions and exploration?

AI has a significant role to play in space missions, especially in analyzing and curating the vast amount of space data available. AI systems can assist in Earth observations, climate change analysis, and resource utilization. In future Mars missions, fully autonomous AI systems will be necessary due to the long communication delays and the need for independent decision-making.


The conversation with David Newman offers insights into the exciting field of space exploration and the future of space suits. It highlights the importance of psychological factors in mission success, the awe-inspiring perspective gained from viewing Earth from space, the possibilities of finding life beyond Earth, and the need for advancements in propulsion technology. The Artemis program is seen as a significant step towards Mars missions, and spacesuits are regarded as critical tools for human exploration. The future of spacesuit technology lies in mechanical counter pressure designs and the integration of AI and augmented reality. Ultimately, the conversation emphasizes the importance of taking care of our home planet, Earth, while pursuing the exploration of new frontiers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • David Newman discusses the challenges and excitement of space exploration, drawing parallels between historical explorations like Magellan's crew circumnavigating the globe and future missions to the Moon and Mars.

  • She emphasizes the importance of team dynamics and psychology in space missions, highlighting the need for leadership and effective communication to keep a crew focused on the mission.

  • Newman also discusses the future of spacesuits, describing her work on a tight-fitting, mechanically pressurized suit that provides maximum mobility for astronauts on the Moon and Mars.

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