Cuteness Overload | Project for Awesome 2014 | Summary and Q&A

December 14, 2014
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Cuteness Overload | Project for Awesome 2014


Second grader raises money to help build an orphanage in Peru, exceeding her goal four times over.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑 One person's small act of kindness can have a significant impact on the lives of others.
  • 🤕 Teaching compassion and generosity at a young age can inspire children to become active participants in making the world a better place.
  • ✊ The power of social media and online platforms can be harnessed to raise awareness and funds for charitable causes.
  • 😃 Setting a goal and working towards it can lead to surpassing expectations and making a bigger impact than initially anticipated.
  • 🆘 Encouraging others to support their chosen charities can help create a more compassionate and giving society.
  • 🥹 Showing gratitude and appreciation for those who contribute to charitable causes is essential in fostering a culture of compassion.
  • ❓ Providing tangible evidence of the impact made by donations can strengthen the connection between donors and the cause they support.


Hey it's me Destin, welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So I'm gonna share something with you that's so sweet you might actually cry, because I did the first time I saw it. There's this little girl in Ohio who saw the Project for Awesome video I made last year for Not Forgotten, which is an orphanage we work with in Peru and I make a video about it ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Savannah learn about Not Forgotten and decide to take action?

Savannah learned about Not Forgotten through the YouTube channel "Smarter Every Day" and was inspired to make a difference after watching a video about the organization. She decided to raise money by talking to people and asking for their help.

Q: How much money did Savannah raise for the orphanage in Peru?

Savannah initially set a goal of $100 for her compassion project. However, she surpassed her goal, raising a total of $469, which is four times the amount she had hoped to collect.

Q: What did Savannah's donations go toward?

The money raised by Savannah was used to purchase mattresses and beds for the boys at the orphanage in Peru. It helped provide essential sleeping arrangements and made a significant impact on their living conditions.

Q: How did Savannah's actions inspire others?

Savannah's determination and compassion for helping others inspired others to take action. By sharing her story and raising awareness, she encouraged people to contribute to charitable causes and make a difference in their own ways.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A second-grade girl named Savannah learns about an organization called Not Forgotten through the YouTube channel "Smarter Every Day."

  • Determined to help, Savannah takes on a compassion project to raise money for building an orphanage in Peru.

  • Through her efforts, she raises $469, four times her original goal, making a significant impact on the lives of orphaned boys in Peru.

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