Cube Trick - work out cubic numbers (1 - 100) fast! | Summary and Q&A

February 7, 2013
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Cube Trick - work out cubic numbers (1 - 100) fast!


Learn a simple trick to cube numbers between 1 and 100 using algebraic techniques.

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Key Insights

  • 💌 The trick for cubing numbers between 1 and 100 involves assigning letters to digits and using algebraic patterns.
  • 🧊 By following the steps of cubing the first digit, multiplying the square of the first digit by the second digit, squaring the second digit and multiplying it by the first digit, and cubing the second digit, then doubling the results, you can find the cubed value.
  • 🫚 The trick can also be used to find cube roots of numbers between 1 and 100 by reversing the process.
  • 🔨 While the trick may seem complicated at first, it becomes easier with practice and can be a handy tool for quick calculations.
  • ⚾ The technique is based on algebraic principles, making it a useful introduction to algebra concepts.


good day and welcome to the tech math Channel what I'm going to be having a look at in this video is a way of cubing any number between 1 and 100 it's a really Nifty little trick uh and I'll show it to you right now anyway let's start uh first off I'm going to get you to try and Cube this number here now I'm guessing the way that you'd usually do i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the trick for cubing numbers between 1 and 100 work?

The trick involves assigning letters to the digits and using algebraic techniques to find the cubed value. By cubing the first digit, multiplying the square of the first digit by the second digit, squaring the second digit and multiplying it by the first digit, and cubing the second digit, then doubling the resulting numbers, you can find the cubed value.

Q: Is the trick easy to understand and use?

The trick may seem complicated at first, but with practice, it becomes easier to understand and use. It only takes a few minutes to learn and can be a handy tool for finding the cubed value of numbers between 1 and 100.

Q: Can the trick be used for numbers with cube roots?

Yes, the trick can also be used to find cube roots of numbers between 1 and 100. By reversing the process and solving for the original numbers, you can find their cube roots using the same technique.

Q: Is this trick based on algebraic techniques?

Yes, this trick utilizes algebraic techniques, but it is presented as a nifty little trick to make it more accessible and fun. It can be a useful introduction to algebra concepts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video introduces a trick for cubing numbers between 1 and 100 in a different way than the traditional method.

  • The trick involves assigning letters to the digits of the number and using certain patterns.

  • By cubing the first digit, multiplying the square of the first digit by the second digit, squaring the second digit and multiplying it by the first digit, and cubing the second digit, then doubling the resulting numbers, you can find the cubed value of the original number.

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