Crypto Crash: Your Biggest Opportunity To Save Taxes | Summary and Q&A

January 14, 2022
Wealthy Expat
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Crypto Crash: Your Biggest Opportunity To Save Taxes


Crashes and dips in the cryptocurrency market present a prime opportunity to leave high tax countries and relocate to places that offer tax benefits for your wealth.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿš• Crashes and dips in the cryptocurrency market offer an opportunity for individuals to leave high tax countries and relocate to tax-friendly jurisdictions.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Leaving during a dip minimizes exit taxes and allows for establishing tax residency in another country before prices rise again.
  • โœ‹ Waiting for prices to go back up can result in higher taxes and more complications in the process of moving to a new country.
  • ๐Ÿ‰ Taking advantage of a dip can save individuals from paying excessive taxes on their crypto gains.
  • ๐Ÿฅบ Moving during a market dip may lead to faster processing times and a smoother experience when setting up residency, company, or obtaining a second citizenship.
  • ๐Ÿ’„ Prices may not recover for an extended period, making it beneficial to move earlier rather than later.
  • ๐ŸŒฑ The current standstill in crypto regulations makes it an opportune time to plan and execute a move to a more favorable tax environment.


i've talked to a lot of crypto investors recently with the recent crash that we've been seeing in the bitcoin ethereum and other coin prices they're always saying wait until the prices come back up i'm going to leave my country i'm going to leave canada australia europe the us when the prices go back to all-time high when they break all-time high w... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is now the ideal time to leave a high tax country for cryptocurrency investors?

Leaving a high tax country when prices are low minimizes exit taxes, as your net worth is lower than during all-time highs. It also allows you to establish tax residency in a new country before prices skyrocket again.

Q: How can leaving a high tax country during a market dip benefit Australian investors?

By moving elsewhere during the dip, Australian investors can avoid paying higher taxes on their profits when prices recover. Waiting until prices go back up may complicate the process of becoming tax resident in another country.

Q: How does timing the move during a market dip save on taxes for US citizens?

When Bitcoin was at all-time high, if your net worth was $3 million, it is now $1.9 million. Leaving the US now can help avoid being classified as a covered expat and having to pay significant exit taxes on the higher value.

Q: Why is starting the process of moving to Dubai during a market dip beneficial?

Applying for residency, setting up a company, and obtaining a second citizenship in Dubai during a dip allows for faster processing times and a smoother overall experience. When prices are all-time high, the government receives a higher volume of applications.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The recent market crash has seen significant decreases in the prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

  • Instead of waiting for prices to rise again before leaving high tax countries, now is the best time to make the move.

  • Taking advantage of the current dip allows individuals to minimize exit taxes and establish tax residency in another country.

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