Crypto, Beyond Silk Road | Summary and Q&A

December 15, 2018
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Crypto, Beyond Silk Road


A former federal prosecutor shares the story of how he went from investigating Bitcoin to becoming a crypto enthusiast, debunking myths about cryptocurrency along the way.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Cryptocurrency has come a long way since its early associations with criminal activities, and many misconceptions have been debunked.
  • 🚨 The blockchain has emerged as a powerful tool for uncovering fraud and corruption, as it provides an immutable and transparent record of transactions.
  • 💗 Cryptocurrency adoption is growing worldwide, with a focus on providing financial services to the unbanked population and improving the efficiency of remittance payments.
  • 🛟 It is important to recognize that cryptocurrency is still in its early stages of development and has the potential to transform various aspects of our lives.


good afternoon everyone you know it's ironic that I get here to be with you this afternoon to tell you why I'm so excited about crypto and the reason it's so ironic is that the first time I ever heard the word Bitcoin was back in 2012 when I was a federal prosecutor at the US Department of Justice and I heard the word Bitcoin because I was asked to... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's perception of cryptocurrency change over time?

The speaker initially saw cryptocurrency as a threat and was tasked with investigating it. However, as he learned more, he realized the potential benefits and became a crypto enthusiast.

Q: How did the government use blockchain technology to catch criminals?

The government traced Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain to identify criminal activities, such as extortion and money laundering. This helped in identifying and prosecuting individuals involved in illegal activities.

Q: What are some challenges faced by the adoption of cryptocurrency in developing countries?

Developing countries often lack reliable financial systems, leading to hyperinflation and limited access to basic financial services. Cryptocurrency can provide an alternative store of value and facilitate transactions in such regions.

Q: How has cryptocurrency impacted the remittance market?

Cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the remittance market by providing a faster and cheaper alternative to traditional methods of transferring money internationally.


In this video, the speaker shares their personal journey of how they went from being a federal prosecutor trying to shut down Bitcoin to becoming a believer in cryptocurrencies. They debunk myths around cryptocurrency being anonymous and only useful for criminals. They then go on to share examples of how blockchain technology has been used to uncover fraud and corruption, and how cryptocurrencies are being used by ordinary people all over the world, especially in countries with unstable financial systems. The speaker emphasizes that we are still in the early days of cryptocurrency and its potential to change the way we live, work, and communicate is yet to be fully realized.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's initial perception of Bitcoin change over the years?

In the beginning, the speaker was tasked with preparing an investigation to shut down Bitcoin. However, as they learned more about the technology, met teams in the space, and debunked myths, their perception of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies shifted. They began to realize the potential and the transformative impact it could have on various aspects of our lives.

Q: Can cryptocurrencies be used for illegal activities?

While cryptocurrencies have been associated with illegal activities in the past, it is a misconception to assume that they are solely used by criminals. The speaker, who is a former federal prosecutor, explains that cryptocurrencies are not completely anonymous and law enforcement agencies have been able to catch criminals using blockchain technology. Moreover, ordinary people, including doctors, students, teachers, and farmers, are now using cryptocurrencies for legitimate purposes around the world.

Q: How was blockchain technology used in the investigation of the Silk Road case?

The blockchain, which is a shared global distributed database that keeps track of Bitcoin transactions, played a crucial role in uncovering the truth behind the Silk Road case. Law enforcement agencies were able to trace Bitcoin payments, analyze patterns, and connect the dots by following the transactions on the blockchain. This led them to identify the individuals involved in extortion, information selling, theft, and murder-for-hire within the Silk Road marketplace.

Q: What challenges did the government face when investigating Bitcoin-related crimes?

The government faced various challenges when investigating Bitcoin-related crimes. One of the challenges was the ability of criminals to use anonymizing technologies, such as Tor and pseudonymous technologies like Bitcoin, to hide their identities and activities. Additionally, the international nature of cryptocurrencies and different regulatory environments across countries made it difficult to obtain records and cooperation from entities involved. However, the transparency and immutability of the blockchain helped overcome some of these challenges.

Q: Are cryptocurrencies only relevant in countries with unstable financial systems?

While cryptocurrencies have gained traction in countries with unstable financial systems, such as Venezuela, they are not limited to these regions. The speaker mentions that even in countries like the United States, where financial systems work well, people are using cryptocurrencies for speculation. However, the unbanked population, which accounts for 1.7 billion people globally and is the fastest-growing segment, sees cryptocurrencies as an alternative store of value and a means to access basic financial services.

Q: How has blockchain technology been used in other cases of fraud and corruption?

The government has successfully used blockchain technology in various cases of fraud and corruption. For example, in the Mt. Gox case, where 500 million dollars worth of Bitcoin was missing, the blockchain was used to trace the funds to a different cryptocurrency exchange in Russia. Similarly, special counsel Robert Mueller traced Bitcoin payments to Russian GRU operatives involved in election interference. These examples highlight how blockchain technology can uncover hidden transactions and unearth fraudulent activities.

Q: What are the current challenges and issues associated with cryptocurrencies?

The speaker acknowledges that cryptocurrencies still face challenges in terms of speed, volatility, usability, and environmental impact. They compare the current state of cryptocurrencies to the early days of the internet, where there were connectivity and usability issues. However, just as the internet evolved and improved over time, the speaker believes that cryptocurrencies are still in the early stages of development and will overcome these challenges with time and innovation.

Q: How does the speaker envision the future of cryptocurrencies?

The speaker believes that cryptocurrencies have the potential to change the way we live, work, and communicate. They compare the current perception of cryptocurrencies to the early perception of cars or the internet, where people initially preferred traditional alternatives but eventually embraced the new technology as it evolved and infrastructure improved. The speaker emphasizes that we should not judge cryptocurrencies based on their current state but rather look at their potential to revolutionize various aspects of society.

Q: What is the significance of the unbanked population and international remittance market in relation to cryptocurrencies?

The unbanked population, which represents 25% of the world's population or 1.7 billion people, lacks access to basic financial services. Cryptocurrencies offer them an alternative to traditional banking systems, allowing them to store value and engage in financial transactions. Additionally, the international remittance market, which involves sending money across borders, has high fees associated with it. Cryptocurrencies can provide a cheaper and quicker alternative for individuals who need to send money to their families or loved ones in different countries.

Q: What is the current perception of cryptocurrencies and how does it differ from their potential?

The current perception of cryptocurrencies is often focused on their limitations, such as slowness, volatility, and complexity. However, the speaker emphasizes that this perception should not be confused with the potential of cryptocurrencies. They argue that we are still in the early stages of cryptocurrency innovation, and just like the early days of the internet, the full capabilities and transformative effects of cryptocurrencies are yet to be realized.

Q: What role does the blockchain play in uncovering fraud and corruption?

The blockchain, as a shared global distributed database, provides transparency, immutability, and decentralized security. These features make it a powerful tool for uncovering fraud and corruption. By analyzing transaction records on the blockchain, law enforcement agencies can follow the flow of funds, connect the dots, and identify individuals involved in illegal activities. The blockchain acts as an immutable and reliable source of evidence that cannot be tampered with or erased, helping bring criminals to justice.


Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have come a long way but are still in the early stages of development. While early perceptions, challenges, and limitations exist, it is crucial not to confuse the current state of cryptocurrencies with their potential. Cryptocurrencies offer immense possibilities for ordinary individuals, especially in countries with unstable financial systems, the unbanked population, and the international remittance market. The transparency and immutability of the blockchain have already proven effective in uncovering fraud and corruption cases, and the future will likely see further advancements and adoption of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is important to recognize the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies and not dismiss them based only on their current limitations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, a former federal prosecutor, initially investigated Bitcoin with the intention of shutting it down, but his research and experience led him to believe in the potential of cryptocurrency.

  • He shares a story about the Silk Road marketplace, corrupt federal agents, and the use of cryptocurrency to catch criminals.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of blockchain technology in uncovering fraud and corruption and highlights the growing adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide.

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