Cristiano Amon: Qualcomm CEO | Lex Fridman Podcast #280 | Summary and Q&A

April 27, 2022
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Cristiano Amon: Qualcomm CEO | Lex Fridman Podcast #280


Cristiano Amon, CEO of Qualcomm, discusses the significance of 5G technology, the role of Snapdragon processors in smartphones, and the company's expansion into various industries.

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Key Insights

  • 📱 The Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm is a powerhouse that brings high-performance capabilities, such as eight-core processors and GPUs with ray tracing, to smartphones, enabling advanced features previously only found in desktop PCs.
  • 🌐 5G technology, led by Qualcomm, is set to revolutionize connectivity and data speeds, enabling a fully connected society and supporting the growth of technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, and the cloud.
  • ⚙️ Qualcomm's focus on building a single chip with all essential connectivity technologies integrated, along with a strong collaborative culture and rigorous quality standards, has enabled its success in the mobile market.
  • 🌍 With the rapid development of technology, including advancements in smartphones, robotics, and autonomous vehicles, the world is experiencing an exciting transformation with significant potential for human society.
  • 🚗 Qualcomm is already a major player in the automotive industry, providing computational power and connectivity technologies that enable intelligent features in vehicles, including assisted driving and connectivity to the cloud.
  • 🤖 Qualcomm's expertise extends to robotics, with its processors and technologies being used in industrial robots, drones, and even the Mars Ingenuity helicopter.
  • 🔌 The convergence of mobile and PC technology is reshaping the future of computing, with Qualcomm looking to provide superior connectivity, computational power, and battery life to enhance the digital experiences of users.
  • 💡 Qualcomm's vision is to be recognized as a leader in providing intelligence and processing capabilities to billions of devices on the connected intelligent edge, enabling a fully interconnected and intelligent society.


talking about an exciting thing for an engineer the same snapdragon that goes to a phone and it can go to a galaxy phone for example samsung the same not a special one went all the way to mars you expect to have a full day of battery life but then you wanted to not be sending data into 10 or 100 megabits you want gigabits you wanted to be able to h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of 5G technology and how is Qualcomm involved?

5G technology is revolutionizing connectivity, allowing for faster and more reliable connections. Qualcomm is a leader in 5G and provides the Snapdragon processors that power many 5G-enabled smartphones.

Q: How is Qualcomm expanding its role in the automotive industry?

Qualcomm is partnering with car companies to provide the technology needed for connected cars and autonomous driving. Their goal is to become a preferred technology partner and enhance the digital experiences in vehicles.

Q: What other industries is Qualcomm entering with its processing capabilities?

Qualcomm is expanding into the robotics industry, powering robots and drones with its Snapdragon processors. They are also involved in the industrial robotics sector, enabling advancements in factory automation.

Q: How is Qualcomm addressing the global semiconductor chip shortage?

Qualcomm is investing in increasing manufacturing capacity and collaborating with car companies to prioritize chip supply. The company is also supporting initiatives like the United States and European chips acts to promote domestic chip manufacturing.

Q: What is the significance of 5G technology and how is Qualcomm involved?

5G technology is revolutionizing connectivity, allowing for faster and more reliable connections. Qualcomm is a leader in 5G and provides the Snapdragon processors that power many 5G-enabled smartphones.


In this video, Cristiano Amon, the CEO of Qualcomm, discusses the impact of 5G on the world and the future of technology. He talks about the incredible power of smartphones and how they have become mankind's largest development platform. He also addresses concerns about the safety of 5G and discusses Qualcomm's role in the mobile communication and computation space.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who is the greatest football player of all time?

Cristiano Amon believes that Pele is widely regarded as the greatest football player of all time, but his personal favorite is Ronaldo (the first Ronaldo).

Q: Does it blow your mind that billions of smartphones have the computational power that used to only be found in desktop PCs?

Yes, Amon is amazed by the fact that smartphones now have the processing power of desktop PCs and that everyone in the world is connected with broadband technology. He believes that smartphones are mankind's largest development platform.

Q: How would aliens describe the turmoil and development happening on Earth?

Amon believes that aliens observing Earth would describe it as an interesting time of incredible technological development, with significant advancements happening in the last century alone. However, they might also be puzzled by some of the negative events and conflicts occurring on the planet.

Q: What is 5G and how will it change the world?

Amon explains that 5G is the technology that aims to provide last-mile connectivity for everything and eliminate data congestion. It can handle the connectivity needs of both people and billions of connected devices, guaranteeing mission-critical services and paving the way for everything to be connected to the cloud. He compares it to electricity, a utility that is always there and essential for modern life.

Q: What is the full space of everything that will be connected to 5G?

The full space of everything that will be connected to 5G is vast and includes a wide range of devices and technologies. It encompasses everything from robots and smart cameras to machines in manufacturing and retail. Qualcomm aims to make everything smart by providing processor connectivity and artificial intelligence to all devices.

Q: How is coverage for 5G progressing and what are the challenges?

Amon explains that coverage for 5G is progressing well, but it depends on the spectrum bands being used. Sub-6GHz 5G can be deployed quickly using existing cell towers, while millimeter wave 5G requires denser networks with more access points, which takes more time. The challenge lies in obtaining spectrum and building the necessary infrastructure to support 5G's capabilities.

Q: Who is the biggest resistance for Qualcomm in terms of expanding 5G coverage and technology?

Amon states that regulators play a crucial role in allocating spectrum for wireless communication. While regulators generally understand the importance of 5G, infrastructure deployment can be hindered by obstacles such as permit negotiations with municipalities. However, Qualcomm believes that 5G coverage is inevitable due to the need for increased spectrum and capacity.

Q: Is 5G safe, considering concerns about its effects on the human body?

Amon believes that 5G is safe. As technology advances and power decreases, there is a reduction in the amount of power required for wireless communication. Regulatory organizations, such as the FCC, conduct rigorous testing to ensure device safety. The data from previous generations of wireless technology, like 3G and 4G, indicates that concerns about their effects on the human body were not valid.

Q: How does Qualcomm out-compete Google and Apple in the smartphone market?

Amon explains that Qualcomm's mobile strategy is focused on making Snapdragon synonymous with a premium Android experience. They work closely with companies like Samsung, the largest customer, and provide the technology behind their flagship smartphones. While Google and Apple may develop their own chips, Qualcomm's aim is to enable the entire Android ecosystem and be the preferred technology partner for smartphone manufacturers.

Q: What excites Amon about Snapdragon and its role in smartphones?

Amon emphasizes that Snapdragon is designed to be a single chip that integrates all the necessary technologies for smartphones. It provides connectivity, processing power, AI capabilities, and multimedia features. The ability to pack so much technology into a small chip, while maintaining quality and power efficiency, is what excites Amon the most.

Q: What does the future of computing and Qualcomm's role in it look like?

Amon acknowledges that Qualcomm's role extends beyond smartphones. They are expanding into different markets, including automotive, where they provide the computational power and connectivity for cars. The future of computing involves the convergence of mobile and PC technologies, with a focus on communication, connectivity, and edge computing. Qualcomm aims to be recognized for providing intelligence and processing capabilities to all devices on the edge, driving advancements in AI and connected technologies.


Qualcomm is at the forefront of mobile communication and computation, with its Snapdragon processors powering billions of smartphones worldwide. The company is a major player in the 5G space and is focused on providing connectivity and processing power to devices on the edge. While concerns about 5G safety exist, Amon believes that the technology is safe and will enable the development of a fully interconnected society. Qualcomm is expanding its presence beyond smartphones, particularly in the automotive industry, where it aims to be the preferred technology partner for car companies. The future of computing involves the convergence of mobile and PC technologies, with a strong emphasis on communication, connectivity, and AI advancements.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors are powering billions of smartphones and enabling 5G connectivity.

  • The company's focus is on providing a premium Android experience and becoming a preferred technology partner for car companies.

  • Qualcomm is also venturing into the robotics industry, providing processing power for robots and drones.

  • The global semiconductor chip shortage and the pandemic have accelerated the demand for digital transformation, leading to increased investments in manufacturing capacity.

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